Some non-existence results on $m$-ovoids in classical polar spaces
Jan De Beule,Jonathan Mannaert,Valentino Smaldore
Abstract:In this paper we develop non-existence results for $m$-ovoids in the classical polar spaces $Q^-(2r+1,q), W(2r-1,q)$ and $H(2r,q^2)$ for $r>2$. In [4] a lower bound on $m$ for the existence of $m$-ovoids of $H(4,q^2)$ is found by using the connection between $m$-ovoids, two-character sets, and strongly regular graphs. This approach is generalized in [3] for the polar spaces $Q^-(2r+1,q), W(2r-1,q)$ and $H(2r,q^2)$, $r>2$. In [1] an improvement for the particular case $H(4,q^2)$ is obtained by exploiting the algebraic structure of the collinearity graph, and using the characterization of an $m$-ovoid as an intruiging set. In this paper, we use an approach based on geometrical and combinatorial arguments, inspired by the results from [10], to improve the bounds from [3].