Maximum Degree in Random Hyperbolic Graphs
Loïc Gassmann
Abstract:The random hyperbolic graph, introduced in 2010 by Krioukov, Papadopoulos, Kitsak, Vahdat and Boguñá, is a graph model suitable for modelling a large class of real-world networks, known as complex networks. Gugelmann, Panagiotou and Peter proved that for curvature parameter $\alpha > 1/2$, the degree sequence of the random hyperbolic graph follows a power-law distribution with controllable exponent up to the maximum degree. To achieve this, they showed, among other results, that with high probability, the maximum degree is $n^{\frac{1}{2\alpha} + o(1)}$, where $n$ is the number of nodes. In this paper, we refine this estimate of the maximum degree, and we extend it to the case $\alpha \leq 1/2$: we first show that, with high probability, the node with the maximum degree is eventually the one that is the closest to the origin of the underlying hyperbolic space. From this, we get the convergence in distribution of the renormalised maximum degree. Except for the critical case $\alpha = 1/2$, the limit distribution belongs to the extreme value distribution family (Weibull distribution in the case $\alpha < 1/2$ and Fréchet distribution in the case $\alpha > 1/2$).