Low-Lying Zeros of a Thin Family of Automorphic $L$-Functions in the Level Aspect

Matthew Kroesche
Abstract:We calculate the one-level density of thin subfamilies of a family of Hecke cuspforms formed by twisting the forms in a smaller family by a character. The result gives support up to 1, conditional on GRH, and we also find several of the lower-order main terms. In addition, we find an unconditional result that has only slightly lower support. A crucial step in doing so is the establishment of an on-average version of the Weil bound that applies to twisted Kloosterman sums. Moreover, we average over these thin subfamilies by running over the characters in a coset, and observe that any amount of averaging at all is enough to allow us to get support greater than 1 and thus distinguish between the SO(even) and SO(odd) symmetry types. Finally, we also apply our results to nonvanishing problems for the families studied.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to calculate the low - zero - point density of a class of automorphic L - functions in a specific sub - family. Specifically, it is to study the one - level density of a sparse sub - family of Hecke cusp forms in the level aspect. By studying these low - zero - points, the author hopes to verify the support degree under the condition of the General Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) and find some lower - order main terms. ### Research Background and Problem Description 1. **Research Objects**: - The author studies a sparse sub - family of Hecke cusp forms, which are formed by a character - twist transformation. - These sub - families are formed by the forms in smaller families through character - twist transformations, thus forming an even smaller sub - family. 2. **Research Goals**: - Calculate the one - level density of these sparse sub - families to verify whether they conform to orthogonal symmetry or other types of symmetry. - Under the condition of the General Riemann Hypothesis (GRH), calculate the one - level density of these sub - families and find some lower - order main terms. 3. **Specific Problems**: - The author attempts to calculate the one - level density in the following form: \[ D_1(F, \varphi, R, w)=\sum_{f\in F} w(f)D_1(f, \varphi, R) \] where \(F\) is a sparse sub - family of Hecke cusp forms, \(\varphi\) is a test function, \(R\) is a scaling parameter related to the conductor, and \(w(f)\) is the Petersson weight function. 4. **Main Results**: - The author proves that for the test function \(\hat{\varphi}\) supported on \([- 1,1]\), the one - level density of this sparse sub - family matches the symmetry type of the large family. - By averaging these sparse sub - families, the author finds that even a small amount of averaging is sufficient to break the support range \((-1,1)\) and distinguish the SO(even) and SO(odd) symmetry types. ### Formula Summary - One - level Density Formula: \[ D_1(f, \varphi, R)=\sum_{\rho}\varphi\left(\frac{\log R(\rho-\frac{1}{2})}{2\pi i}\right) \] where \(\rho\) is a non - trivial zero of \(L(f, s)\). - Average One - level Density Formula: \[ D_1(F, \varphi, R, w)=\frac{\sum_{f\in F} w(f)D_1(f, \varphi, R)}{\sum_{f\in F} w(f)} \] - Main Result Formula: \[ D_1(F, \varphi, R, w)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\varphi(x)W(G)(x)dx+\frac{2}{\log R}\hat{\varphi}(0)+\frac{2}{\log R}I(\kappa, \varphi, R)-\frac{2}{\log R}J(q, \varphi, R)+O\left(\frac{\|\hat{\varphi}\|_{\infty}(q^{\kappa}(\theta - 1)+1/2+\varepsilon+q^{-1+\varepsilon})}{\log R}\right) \] Through these formulas, the author can analyze in detail the low - zero - point distribution of these sparse sub - families and verify their symmetry types.