Fast Convergence of Inertial Gradient Dynamics with Multiscale Aspects
Ren Haixin,Ge Bin,Zhuge Xiangwu
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Abstract:In this paper, the asymptotic properties as $$ t\rightarrow +\infty $$ of the following second-order differential equation in a Hilbert space $$ {\mathcal {H}} $$ are studied, $$\begin{aligned} \ddot{x}(t)+\gamma (t){\dot{x}}(t)+\beta (t)\Big (\nabla \Phi (x(t))+\epsilon (t)\nabla U(x(t))\Big )=0, \end{aligned}$$ where $$ \Phi ,U:{\mathcal {H}}\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}} $$ are convex differentiable, $$ \gamma (t) $$ is a positive damping coefficient, $$ \beta (t) $$ is a time scale coefficient and $$ \epsilon (t) $$ is a positive nonincreasing function, $$\gamma (t)$$ , $$ \beta (t) $$ and $$ \epsilon (t) $$ are all continuously differentiable. This system has applications in the fields of mechanics and optimization. Based on the proper tuning of $$ \gamma (t) $$ and $$ \beta (t) $$ , we obtain the convergence rates for the values, and the conclusion is that, under the different conditions, the trajectories either converge to one minimizer of $$ \Phi $$ weakly, or converge to one common minimizer of $$ \Phi $$ and U weakly. When $$ \epsilon (t) $$ tends to 0 as t goes to infinity, under the condition that $$ \Phi $$ or U is convex, the trajectories converge to the unique minimizer of $$ \Phi $$ , or the unique minimizer of U, respectively. Finally, some particular cases are examined, and some numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate our main results.