M. L. Trezzi,U. Zerbinati
Abstract:We propose a lightning Virtual Element Method that eliminates the stabilisation term by actually computing the virtual component of the local VEM basis functions using a lightning approximation. In particular, the lightning VEM approximates the virtual part of the basis functions using rational functions with poles clustered exponentially close to the corners of each element of the polygonal tessellation. This results in two great advantages. First, the mathematical analysis of a priori error estimates is much easier and essentially identical to the one for any other non-conforming Galerkin discretisation. Second, the fact that the lightning VEM truly computes the basis functions allows the user to access the point-wise value of the numerical solution without needing any reconstruction techniques. The cost of the local construction of the VEM basis is the implementation price that one has to pay for the advantages of the lightning VEM method, but the embarrassingly parallelizable nature of this operation will ultimately result in a cost-efficient scheme almost comparable to standard VEM and FEM.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problems that this paper attempts to solve are to improve some limitations in the traditional Virtual Element Method (VEM), especially to eliminate the need for the stabilisation term and enhance the point - value access ability of the numerical solution. Specifically:
1. **Elimination of the stabilisation term**:
In the traditional VEM, projection operators are used to assemble the stiffness matrix and the mass matrix without calculating the virtual part of the basis functions. This leads to a lack of coercivity, so an additional stabilisation term needs to be introduced. The lightning VEM eliminates the need for the stabilisation term by actually calculating the virtual part of the basis functions.
2. **Enhancement of point - value access ability**:
The lightning VEM can directly calculate the basis functions, allowing users to directly access the point - values of the numerical solution without using any reconstruction techniques. This is very important for some applications because common reconstruction techniques (such as methods based on polynomial interpolation) may require triangulation of the polygonal mesh.
3. **Simplification of error estimation**:
Since the lightning VEM actually calculates the basis functions, its mathematical analysis becomes simpler, and the analysis of a priori error estimation is almost the same as that of any other non - conforming Galerkin discretization. This simplifies the theoretical analysis process.
4. **Improvement of computational efficiency**:
Although the local construction of VEM basis functions requires a certain implementation cost, this operation is highly parallelizable, and will eventually lead to a cost - effective scheme almost equivalent to that of the standard VEM and FEM.
### Specific problem description
The paper proposes the lightning Virtual Element Method. By using rational functions with poles clustered near the corners of polygonal elements to approximate part of the virtual basis functions. This method brings two main advantages:
- **Simpler error analysis**: The mathematical analysis of a priori error estimation becomes easier and is basically the same as that of any other non - conforming Galerkin discretization.
- **Direct access to point - values**: Users can directly access the point - values of the numerical solution without any reconstruction techniques.
In addition, the lightning VEM also avoids using projection operators, thereby simplifying the theoretical analysis and improving the computational efficiency. Although the local construction of VEM basis functions requires a certain implementation cost, its highly parallelizable nature will eventually make it a more cost - effective scheme.
### Mathematical formula representation
The lightning VEM approximates the virtual basis functions in the following way:
\hat{\phi}_i=\Re\left(\sum_{j = 0}^{N_P}\frac{a_j}{z - z_j}+\sum_{j = 0}^{N_Z}b_j(z - z^*)^j\right)
where $\{z_j\}_{j = 1}^{N_P}$ and $z^*$ are points in the complex plane, and $\Re$ represents the real part of a complex number. The poles $\{z_j\}_{j = 1}^{N_P}$ are clustered near the corners of the polygonal elements and approach in an exponential form.
Through this method, the lightning VEM can simplify the implementation process and improve the computational efficiency while maintaining high precision.