IceCube Contributions to the XIV International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2006)
A. Achterberg,M. Ackermann,J. Adams,J. Ahrens,K. Andeen,D.W. Atlee,J.N. Bahcall,X. Bai,B. Baret,S.W. Barwick,R. Bay,K. Beattie,T. Becka,J.K. Becker,K.-H. Becker,P. Berghaus,D. Berley,E. Bernardini,D. Bertrand,D.Z. Besson,E. Blaufuss,D.J. Boersma,C. Bohm,J. Bolmont,S. Böser,O. Botner,A. Bouchta,J. Braun,C. Burgess,T. Burgess,T. Castermans,D. Chirkin,B. Christy,J. Clem,D.F. Cowen,M.V. D'Agostino,A. Davour,C.T. Day,C. De Clercq,L. Demirörs,F. Descamps,P. Desiati,T. DeYoung,J.C. Diaz-Velez,J. Dreyer,J.P. Dumm,M.R. Duvoort,W.R. Edwards,R. Ehrlich,J. Eisch,R.W. Ellsworth,P.A. Evenson,O. Fadiran,A.R. Fazely,T. Feser,K. Filimonov,B.D. Fox,T.K. Gaisser,J. Gallagher,R. Ganugapati,H. Geenen,L. Gerhardt,A. Goldschmidt,J.A. Goodman,R. Gozzini,S. Grullon,A. Groß,R.M. Gunasingha,M. Gurtner,A. Hallgren,F. Halzen,K. Han,K. Hanson,D. Hardtke,R. Hardtke,T. Harenberg,J.E. Hart,T. Hauschildt,D. Hays,J. Heise,K. Helbing,M. Hellwig,P. Herquet,G.C. Hill,J. Hodges,K.D. Hoffman,B. Hommez,K. Hoshina,D. Hubert,B. Hughey,P.O. Hulth,K. Hultqvist,S. Hundertmark,J.-P. Hülß,A. Ishihara,J. Jacobsen,G.S. Japaridze,H. Johansson,A. Jones,J.M. Joseph,K.-H. Kampert,A. Karle,H. Kawai,J.L. Kelley,M. Kestel,N. Kitamura,S.R. Klein,S. Klepser,G. Kohnen,H. Kolanoski,L. Köpke,M. Krasberg,K. Kuehn,H. Landsman,H. Leich,D. Leier,M. Leuthold,I. Liubarsky,J. Lundberg,J. Lünemann,J. Madsen,K. Mase,H.S. Matis,T. McCauley,C.P. McParland,A. Meli,T. Messarius,P. Mészáros,H. Miyamoto,A. Mokhtarani,T. Montaruli,A. Morey,R. Morse,S.M. Movit,K. Münich,R. Nahnhauer,J.W. Nam,P. Nießen,D.R. Nygren,H. Ögelman,A. Olivas,S. Patton,C. Peña-Garay,C. Pérez de los Heros,A. Piegsa,D. Pieloth,A.C. Pohl,R. Porrata,J. Pretz,P.B. Price,G.T. Przybylski,K. Rawlins,S. Razzaque,E. Resconi,W. Rhode,M. Ribordy,A. Rizzo,S. Robbins,P. Roth,C. Rott,D. Rutledge,D. Ryckbosch,H.-G. Sander,S. Sarkar,S. Schlenstedt,T. Schmidt,D. Schneider,D. Seckel,S.H. Seo,S. Seunarine,A. Silvestri,A.J. Smith,M. Solarz,C. Song,J.E. Sopher,G.M. Spiczak,C. Spiering,M. Stamatikos,T. Stanev,P. Steffen,T. Stezelberger,R.G. Stokstad,M.C. Stoufer,S. Stoyanov,E.A. Strahler,T. Straszheim,K.-H. Sulanke,G.W. Sullivan,T.J. Sumner,I. Taboada,O. Tarasova,A. Tepe,L. Thollander,S. Tilav,M. Tluczykont,P.A. Toale,D. Turčan,N. van Eijndhoven,J. Vandenbroucke,A. Van Overloop,B. Voigt,W. Wagner,C. Walck,H. Waldmann,M. Walter,Y.-R. Wang,C. Wendt,C.H. Wiebusch,G. Wikström,D.R. Williams,R. Wischnewski,H. Wissing,K. Woschnagg,X.W. Xu,G. Yodh,S. Yoshida,J.D. Zornoza
Abstract:In order to increase the accelerating gradient, the next-generation of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) cavities will be operated with superfluid helium cooling. This upgrade requires the development of a state-of-the-art cryogenic temperature mapping system, which can be used to identify quench initiation in new cavities, and thereby assess their suitability for installation. This paper presents a new mapping system based on an array of Transition Edge Sensors (TESs): electrical devices that exploit the superconducting transition of a thin film to identify temperature changes.The TES array is manufactured using photolithography to deposit a thin film on a 100 mm diameter glass wafer. Two different designs of Au-Sn TES have been assessed; Design 1 was composed of a 10 nm Cr adhesive layer, followed by 20 nm of Au and 100 nm of Sn, and Design 2 was identical except that the Cr layer was not applied.Design 1 showed excellent film adherence, however no superconducting transition was observed. In contrast, Design 2 showed poor film bonding but a superconducting transition. These insights are being used to design a new cryogenic temperature mapping device that combines Design 1 for robust electrical contacts and Design 2 for second sound detection.