Abstract:Let $p$ be a prime number and $F/F^+$ a CM extension of a totally real field such that every place of $F^+$ above $p$ is unramified and inert in $F$. We fix a finite place $v$ of $F^+$ above $p$, and let $\overline{r}: \textrm{Gal}(\overline{F^+}/F^+) \longrightarrow {}^C\textrm{U}_{1,1}(\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p)$ be a modular $L$-parameter valued in the $C$-group of a rank 2 unitary group associated to $F/F^+$. We assume $\overline{r}$ is semisimple and sufficiently generic at $v$. Using recent results of Breuil--Herzig--Hu--Morra--Schraen along with our previous work, we prove that certain admissible smooth $\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$-representations of the $p$-adic unitary group $\textrm{U}_{1,1}(F^+_v)$ associated to $\overline{r}$ in spaces of mod $p$ automorphic forms have Gelfand--Kirillov dimension $[F^+_v:\mathbb{Q}_p]$.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper aims to solve problems related to the Gelfand - Kirillov dimension of the \(p\)-adic unitary group \(U_{1,1}(F_v^+)\) represented modulo \(p\). Specifically, the author studies the Gelfand - Kirillov dimension of certain admissible smooth \(\mathbb{F}_p\)-representations in the space of automorphic forms modulo \(p\) associated with a certain local \(L\)-parameter \(r\). By using recent results of Breuil - Herzig - Hu - Morra - Schraen et al. and the author's previous work, it is proved that the Gelfand - Kirillov dimension of these representations is equal to \([F_v^+:\mathbb{Q}_p]\).
### Background and Main Results of the Paper
Let \(p\) be a prime number, and \(F/F^+\) be a CM extension of a totally real field \(F^+\) such that every place above \(p\) on \(F^+\) is unramified and inert in \(F\). Fix a finite place \(v\) above \(p\) on \(F^+\), and let \(r:\text{Gal}(F^+/F^+)\to CU_{1,1}(\mathbb{F}_p)\) be an \(L\)-parameter of a modular form modulo \(p\), taking values in the \(C\)-group of the rank - 2 unitary group associated with \(F/F^+\). Assume that \(r\) is semisimple and sufficiently generic at \(v\). The main results of the paper are as follows:
**Theorem 1.1**: Keep the above global settings: \(F/F^+\) is a CM field extension unramified at all finite places, and \(p\) is unramified and inert in \(F\). Let \(G\) be the unitary group defined above, and \(r:\text{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}/F^+)\to CU_{1,1}(\mathbb{F}_p)\) be an \(L\)-parameter with a cyclic multiplier. Further assume that:
- \(\pi(r)\neq0\) (in other words, \(r\) is modular);
- \(r^{-1}(CU^\circ_{1,1}(\mathbb{F}_p)) = \text{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/F)\);
- \(r(\text{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/F))\supset \text{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)\);
- \(\text{Q}_{\ker(\text{ad}^0(r))}\) does not contain \(F(\zeta_p)\);
- \(r\) is unramified outside \(p\);
- \(r\) is tamely ramified and \(12\)-generic above \(p\).
Then \(\dim_{U_{1,1}(K)}(\pi(r))=[K:\mathbb{Q}_p]\), where \(\dim_{U_{1,1}(K)}\) represents the Gelfand - Kirillov dimension.
### Proof Strategy
There are two main components in the proof:
1. **The behavior of certain \(\mathbb{F}[[I_G]]\)-modules with minimal multiplicities** (these modules have the expected Gelfand - Kirillov dimension), where \(I_G\) represents the upper triangular Iwahori subgroup of \(\text{GL}_2(K)\).
2. **The smooth representations appearing in the homology satisfy these minimal multiplicity assumptions**.
The first component is of pure group - theoretic nature, while the second component comes from local algebraic representation theory and with certain \(p\)-adic Hodge theory.