Intermediate-mass Dimuon Events at the CERN P Collider at √s = 540 GeV
G. Arnison,O.C. Allkofer,A. Astbury,B. Aubert,C. Bacci,G. Bauer,A. Bézaguet,R.K. Bock,T.J.V. Bowcock,M. Calvetti,P. Catz,P. Cennini,S. Centro,F. Ceradini,G. Ciapetti,S. Cittolin,D. Cline,C. Cochet,J. Colas,M. Corden,D. Dallman,D. Dau,M. Debber,M. Della Negra,M. Demoulin,D. Denegri,D. Dibitonto,A. Di Ciaccio,L. Dobrzynski,J.D. Dowell,R. Edgecock,K. Eggert,E. Eisenhandler,N. Ellis,P. Erhard,H. Faissner,M. Fincke,P. Flynn,G. Fontaine,R. Frey,R. Frühwirth,J. Garvey,S. Geer,C. Ghesquiere,P. Ghez,K.L. Giboni,W.R. Gibson,Y. Giraud-Héraud,A. Givernaud,A. Gonidec,G. Grayer,W. Guryn,T. Hansl-Kozanecka,W.J. Haynes,L.O. Hertzberger,D. Hoffmann,H. Hoffmann,D.J. Holthuizen,R.J. Homer,A. Honma,W. Jank,G. Jorat,P.I.P. Kalmus,V. Karimäki,R. Keeler,I. Kenyon,A. Kernan,R. Kinnunen,W. Kozanecki,D. Kryn,P. Kyberd,F. Lacava,J.-P. Laugier,J.-P. Lees,H. Lehmann,R. Leuchs,A. Lévêque,D. Linglin,E. Locci,M. Loret,T. Markiewicz,G. Maurin,T. McMahon,J.-P. Mendiburu,M.-N. Minard,M. Mohammadi,K. Morgan,M. Moricca,F. Muller,A.K. Nandi,L. Naumann,A. Norton,A. Orkin-Lecourtois,L. Paoluzi,F. Pauss,G. Piano Mortari,E. Pietarinen,M. Pimia,D. Pitman,A. Placci,J.-P. Porte,E. Radermacher,R. Raja,J. Ransdell,T. Redelberger,H. Reithler,J.-P. Revol,J. Rich,M. Rijssenbeek,C. Roberts,J. Rohlf,P. Rossi,C. Rubbia,B. Sadoulet,G. Sajot,G. Salvini,J. Sass,A. Savoy-Navarro,D. Schinzel,W. Scott,T.P. Shah,I. Sheer,D. Smith,J. Strauss,J. Streets,K. Sumorok,F. Szoncso,C. Tao,G. Thompson,J. Timmer,E. Tscheslog,J. Tuominiemi,B. Van Eijk,J.-P. Vialle,J. Vrana,V. Vuillemin,H.D. Wahl,P. Watkins,J. Wilson,C.-E. Wulz,M. Yvert,L. Zanello
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:We report the observation of 21 dimuon events at the CERN pp Collider with the UA1 detector. The events range in invariant dimuon mass from 2 to 22 GeV / c2. The properties of these events are given. The bulk of the events are consistent with heavy-flavour production (mainly bb) with a few candidates for Drell-Yan production. There remain a few events which are difficult to interpret in terms of these processes, in particular two events with isolated, like-sign muons.