Global Existence and Aggregation of Chemotaxis-fluid Systems in Dimension Two

Fanze Kong,Chen-Chih Lai,Juncheng Wei
Abstract:To describe the cellular self-aggregation phenomenon, some strongly coupled PDEs named as Keller-Segel (KS) and Patlak-Keller-Segel (PKS) systems were proposed in 1970s. Since KS and PKS systems possess relatively simple structures but admit rich dynamics, plenty of scholars have studied them and obtained many significant results. However, the cells in general direct their movement in liquid. As a consequence, it seems more realistic to consider the influence of ambient fluid flow on the chemotactic mechanism. Motivated by this, He et al. (SIAM J. Math. Anal., Vol. 53, No. 3, 2021) proposed a coupled Patlak-Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system that features the effect of the friction induced by the cells on the ambient fluid flow. In their pioneer work, the global existence of solutions of such system in 2D was established when the initial mass is strictly less than a threshold, which is referred to as the subcritical case. The last two authors and Zhou (Indiana Univ. Math. J., Vol. 72, No. 1, 2023) extended their result to the critical case. To our best knowledge, this system has only been studied in either the whole space or periodic domains. In this paper, we consider the chemotaxis-fluid system in two-dimensional bounded domains, in which the boundary conditions are Neumann conditions for the cell density and the chemical concentration, and the Navier slip boundary condition with zero friction for the fluid velocity. We prove that the solution of the system exists globally in time with the subcritical mass. Concerning the critical mass case, we construct the boundary spot equilibrium rigorously via the inner-outer gluing method. In particular, we develop the global $W^{2,p}$ theory for the 2D stationary Stokes system subject to Navier boundary conditions and further establish semigroup estimates of the nonstationary counterpart by analyzing the Stokes eigenvalue problem.
Analysis of PDEs
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore the global existence and aggregation phenomena of the coupled Patlak - Keller - Segel - Navier - Stokes system (i.e., the chemotaxis - fluid system) considering the boundary effect in a two - dimensional bounded region. Specifically: 1. **Global Existence**: The author proves that when the initial mass \(M < M_0\), the solution of system (1.1) exists globally in time. Here, \(M_0\) is a critical threshold, defined as: \[ M_0=\begin{cases} 8\pi & \text{if } \Omega = \mathbb{R}^2 \text{ or } B_R \text{ and the initial data is radial}\\ 4\pi & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \] 2. **Aggregation Phenomena in the Critical Mass Case**: For the case of critical mass \(M = M_0\), the author constructs boundary spot steady - state solutions by the inner - outer gluing method. These solutions have remarkable structural features, such as boundary and internal spikes. ### Main Contributions - **Global Existence**: By energy estimates and the Moser - Alikakos iteration method, the author proves that in the sub - critical mass case, system (1.1) has a classical global - time solution. - **Aggregation Phenomena**: In the critical mass case, the author constructs non - trivial solutions with remarkable structures, especially boundary and internal spike solutions, by using the inner - outer gluing method. ### Technical Details - **Energy Functional**: The author introduces a decreasing energy functional \(J(n, c, u)\) and proves that this functional is dissipative along the dynamic evolution: \[ J(n, c, u)=\int_{\Omega}n\log n\,dx+\frac{1}{2}\int_{\Omega}|u|^2\,dx-\int_{\Omega}nc\,dx+\frac{1}{2}\int_{\Omega}c^2\,dx+\frac{1}{2}\int_{\Omega}|\nabla c|^2\,dx \] The energy dissipation rate satisfies: \[ \frac{d}{dt}J(t)=-\int_{\Omega}n|\nabla(\log n - c)|^2\,dx-\iota\int_{\Omega}\left(\frac{\partial c}{\partial t}\right)^2\,dx-\int_{\Omega}|\nabla u|^2\,dx \] - **Linear Theory**: To deal with the global \(W^{2,p}\) theory of the non - stationary Stokes operator, the author develops the semigroup theory under the Navier boundary condition and establishes the existence of local - time solutions. - **Inner - Outer Gluing Method**: In the critical mass case, the author constructs non - trivial solutions with remarkable structures by the inner - outer gluing method. This method involves the linear theories of the inner and outer problems and the treatment of boundary effects. ### Conclusion In the two - dimensional bounded region, this paper successfully proves the global existence of the coupled Patlak - Keller - Segel - Navier - Stokes system in the sub - critical mass case and constructs non - trivial solutions with remarkable structures in the critical mass case. These results provide an important theoretical basis for understanding the dynamic behavior of the chemotaxis - fluid system.