Impact of the phonon environment on the nonlinear quantum-dot cavity QED. II. Analytical approach

L. S. Sirkina,E. A. Muljarov
Abstract:The effect of phonons on a nonlinear optical response of a quantum dot-cavity system in quantum strong coupling regime can be accounted for by a fully analytical treatment, provided that the exciton-phonon dynamics is much faster than the exciton-cavity dynamics. Modern experiments involving semiconductor quantum dots embedded in optical microcavities typically meet this criterion. We find that, for a relatively small exciton-cavity coupling, the effect of phonons is concentrated mainly in the polaron shift of the exciton frequency and reduction of exciton-cavity coupling by the Huang-Rhys factor. We have generalized this result to an arbitrary optical nonlinearity and demonstrated a good agreement with the exact solution in a wide range of temperatures. This generalization provides access to higher rungs of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder, where exact numerical approaches are impractical or even impossible. At larger coupling strengths and low temperatures, our approximation is also in good agreement with the exact solution, which makes it a very useful tool for addressing the phonon contribution to the coherent dynamics of a nonlinear optical system. We demonstrate our results for third-order optical polarization with varying observation time and delay time between excitation pulses in the form of two-dimensional spectra. These spectra provide useful information about the coherent coupling between the exciton and the cavity modes. The presented analytical approach is also compared with another useful approximation, having the form of a matrix product, which is a special case of the asymptotically exact solution in the limit of a short phonon memory time.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper attempts to solve the problem of the influence of the phonon environment on the nonlinear optical response (especially four - wave mixing, FWM) in the strong - coupling quantum region of the quantum - dot - cavity system. Specifically, the research focuses on: 1. **Influence of phonons on exciton frequency and exciton - cavity coupling**: For a smaller exciton - cavity coupling strength, the phonon effect is mainly concentrated on the polariton shift of the exciton frequency and the reduction of the exciton - cavity coupling through the Huang - Rhys factor. 2. **Generalization to arbitrary optical nonlinearity**: The author generalizes the results to arbitrary optical nonlinearity and shows good agreement with the exact solution in a wide temperature range. This allows access to higher - order states of the Jaynes - Cummings ladder, where exact numerical methods become impractical or even impossible. 3. **Applicability at large coupling strength and low temperature**: At a larger coupling strength and low temperature, the approximate method still maintains good agreement with the exact solution, making it an effective tool for dealing with the phonon contribution in the coherent dynamics of nonlinear optical systems. 4. **Time - dependence of the third - order optical polarization and pulse delay time**: The research shows two - dimensional spectra at different observation times and delay times between excitation pulses, providing useful information about the coherent coupling between the exciton and the cavity mode. 5. **Comparison between the analytical method and the matrix product approximation**: The paper also compares the proposed analytical method with another useful approximate method (i.e., the matrix product form), which is a special case of the asymptotically exact solution in the limit of short phonon memory time. ### Main models and methods The models used in the paper include: - **Hamiltonian**: The Hamiltonian of the system consists of two parts, namely the Jaynes - Cummings (JC) Hamiltonian describing the exciton - photon dynamics and the independent boson (IB) model Hamiltonian describing the coupling between the quantum - dot exciton and the longitudinal phonon. \[ H = H_{\text{JC}} + H_{\text{IB}} \] where, \[ H_{\text{JC}} = \Omega_x d^\dagger d + \Omega_c a^\dagger a + g(a^\dagger d + d^\dagger a) \] \[ H_{\text{IB}} = H_{\text{ph}} + d^\dagger d V \] \[ H_{\text{ph}} = \sum_q \omega_q b_q^\dagger b_q, \quad V = \sum_q \lambda_q (b_q^\dagger - b_q) \] - **Master equation**: The evolution of the system under the excitation of an ultrafast laser pulse sequence follows the Lindblad - type master equation. \[ i \dot{\rho} = L\rho = [H_{\text{JC}}, \rho] + [H_{\text{IB}}, \rho] + i \gamma_c D[a] + i \gamma_x D[d] \] where, \[ D[c]\rho = 2c\rho c^\dagger - c^\dagger c \rho - \rho c^\dagger c \] - **Density matrix expansion**: The density matrix can be expanded as a linear combination of basis vectors. \[ \rho(t) = \sum_{\eta \xi} \rho_{\eta \xi}(t) |\eta\rangle \langle \xi| \] - **Nearest - neighbor approximation and polariton approximation**: The article introduces the nearest - neighbor approximation (NN) and the polariton approximation (PA) respectively, and conducts detailed discussions on long - time behavior and multi - exponential fitting. ### Results The research results show that for a smaller exciton - cavity coupling strength, the phonon effect is mainly manifested as the polariton shift of the exciton frequency and the weakening of the exciton - cavity coupling. In addition, the polariton approximation also shows good agreement with the exact solution at large coupling strength and low temperature, and is suitable for more...