Real Time Quarkonium Transport Coefficients in Open Quantum Systems from Euclidean QCD

Bruno Scheihing-Hitschfeld,Xiaojun Yao
Abstract:Recent open quantum system studies showed that quarkonium time evolution inside the quark-gluon plasma is determined by transport coefficients that are defined in terms of a gauge invariant correlator of two chromoelectric field operators connected by an adjoint Wilson line. We study the Euclidean version of the correlator for quarkonium evolution and discuss the extraction of the transport coefficients from this Euclidean correlator, highlighting its difference from other problems that also require reconstructing a spectral function, such as the calculation of the heavy quark diffusion coefficient. Along the way, we explain why the transport coefficient $\gamma_{\rm adj}$ differs from $\gamma_{\rm fund}$ at finite temperature at $\mathcal{O}(g^4)$, in spite of the fact that their corresponding spectral functions differ only by a temperature-independent term at the same order. We then discuss how to evaluate the Euclidean correlator via lattice QCD methods, with a focus on reducing the uncertainty caused by infrared renormalons in determining the renormalization factor nonperturbatively.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,High Energy Physics - Lattice,Nuclear Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper aims to solve the non - perturbative calculation problem of the transport properties of quarkonium in quark - gluon plasma (QGP). Specifically, the paper focuses on how to extract the transport coefficients of quarkonium from lattice quantum chromodynamics (lattice QCD) calculations. These transport coefficients are crucial for understanding the evolution of quarkonium in QGP, because they appear in the Lindblad equation that describes the time evolution of heavy quark - antiquark pairs ($\bar{Q}Q$) in the quantum Brownian motion limit. ### Main problems solved in the paper 1. **Definition of quarkonium transport coefficients**: - The paper first reviews the definition of quarkonium transport coefficients. These coefficients are defined by the time - ordered correlation functions of two color electric field operators, and these operators are connected by a Wilson line in the adjoint representation. - The specific transport coefficients $\kappa_{\text{adj}}$ and $\gamma_{\text{adj}}$ are defined by the following formulas respectively: \[ \kappa_{\text{adj}}=\frac{g^{2}T_{F}}{3N_{c}}\Re\int dt\left\langle T\left[E_{i}^{a}(t)W^{ab}(t, 0)E_{i}^{b}(0)\right]\right\rangle_{T} \] \[ \gamma_{\text{adj}}=\frac{g^{2}T_{F}}{3N_{c}}\Im\int dt\left\langle T\left[E_{i}^{a}(t)W^{ab}(t, 0)E_{i}^{b}(0)\right]\right\rangle_{T} \] where $\left\langle O\right\rangle_{T}=\frac{\text{Tr}(Oe^{-\beta H})}{\text{Tr}(e^{-\beta H})}$, $E_{i}^{a}$ is the color electric field, $W^{ab}(t, 0)$ is the time - like Wilson line, and $T$ represents the time - ordering symbol. 2. **Relationship between Euclidean correlation functions and transport coefficients**: - Since the lattice QCD method can only calculate correlation functions in Euclidean space, the paper introduces a Euclidean version of the quarkonium transport correlation function $G_{\text{adj}}(\tau)$. - Through analytic continuation, the paper proves the relationship between the Euclidean correlation function $G_{\text{adj}}(\tau)$ and the real - time correlation function $[g_{\text{adj}}^{++}]^{>}(t)$: \[ [g_{\text{adj}}^{++}]^{>}(-i\tau)=G_{\text{adj}}(\tau) \] 3. **Methods for extracting transport coefficients**: - The paper discusses how to extract the transport coefficients $\kappa_{\text{adj}}$ and $\gamma_{\text{adj}}$ from the Euclidean correlation function $G_{\text{adj}}(\tau)$. - The extraction formulas are as follows: \[ \kappa_{\text{adj}}=\lim_{\omega\rightarrow0}\frac{T}{2\omega}\left(\rho_{\text{adj}}^{++}(\omega)-\rho_{\text{adj}}^{++}(-\omega)\right) \] \[ \gamma_{\text{adj}}=-\int_{0}^{\beta}d\tau G_{\text{adj}}(\tau) \]