Towards A Census of Earth-mass Exo-planets with Gravitational Microlensing
J. P. Beaulieu,E. Kerins,S. Mao,D. Bennett,A. Cassan,S. Dieters,B. S. Gaudi,A. Gould,V. Batista,R. Bender,S. Brillant,K. Cook,C. Coutures,D. Dominis-Prester,J. Donatowicz,P. Fouqué,E. Grebel,J. Greenhill,D. Heyrovsky,K. Horne,D. Kubas,J. B. Marquette,J. Menzies,N. J. Rattenbury,I. Ribas,K. Sahu,Y. Tsapras,A. Udalski,C. Vinter
Abstract:Thirteen exo-planets have been discovered using the gravitational
microlensing technique (out of which 7 have been published). These planets
already demonstrate that super-Earths (with mass up to ~10 Earth masses) beyond
the snow line are common and multiple planet systems are not rare. In this
White Paper we introduce the basic concepts of the gravitational microlensing
technique, summarise the current mode of discovery and outline future steps
towards a complete census of planets including Earth-mass planets. In the
near-term (over the next 5 years) we advocate a strategy of automated follow-up
with existing and upgraded telescopes which will significantly increase the
current planet detection efficiency. In the medium 5-10 year term, we envision
an international network of wide-field 2m class telescopes to discover
Earth-mass and free-floating exo-planets. In the long (10-15 year) term, we
strongly advocate a space microlensing telescope which, when combined with
Kepler, will provide a complete census of planets down to Earth mass at almost
all separations. Such a survey could be undertaken as a science programme on
Euclid, a dark energy probe with a wide-field imager which has been proposed to
ESA's Cosmic Vision Programme.