Do Spins Have Directions?
Diederik Aerts,Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi
Abstract:The standard Bloch sphere representation was recently generalized to the 'extended Bloch representation' describing not only systems of arbitrary dimension, but also their measurements. This model solves the measurement problem and is based on the 'hidden-measurement interpretation', according to which the Born rule results from our lack of knowledge about the interaction between measuring apparatus and the measured entity. We present here the extended Bloch model and use it to investigate the nature of quantum spin and its relation to our Euclidean space. We show that spin eigenstates cannot generally be associated with directions in the Euclidean space, but only with generalized directions in the Blochean space, which generally is a space of higher dimension. Hence, spin entities have to be considered as genuine non-spatial entities. We also show, however, that specific vectors can be identified in the Blochean theater that are isomorphic to the Euclidean space directions, and therefore representative of them, and that spin eigenstates always have a predetermined orientation with respect to them. We use the details of our results to put forward a new view of realism, that we call 'multiplex realism', providing a specific framework with which to interpret the human observations and understanding of the component parts of the world. Elements of reality can be represented in different theaters, one being our customary Euclidean space, and another one the quantum realm, revealed to us through our sophisticated experiments, whose elements of reality, in the quantum jargon, are the eigenvalues and eigenstates. Our understanding of the component parts of the world can then be guided by looking for the possible connections, in the form of partial morphisms, between the different representations, which is precisely what we do in this article with regard to spin entities.
Quantum Physics