A note on the multiplicative structure of $\mathbb{Z}/p^e\mathbb{Z}$
Joseph Atalaye,Liam Baker,Sophie Marques
Abstract:This paper determines the structure of the automorphism group of the monoid \((\mathbb{Z}/p^e \mathbb{Z}, \cdot)\) and the group of units \((U_{p^e}, \cdot)\). We prove that the automorphism group of \((\mathbb{Z}/p^e \mathbb{Z}, \cdot)\) is isomorphic to a canonical semidirect product of \(U_{p^{e-1}}\) and \(\Aut(U_{p^e}, \cdot)\), except when \(p^e = 8\), where it is isomorphic to the Klein group.
Additionally, for \(e \geq 5\), the automorphism group of \((U_{2^e}, \cdot)\) is the direct product of \(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\) with the central product of a dihedral group of order 8 and the cyclic group \(\mathbb{Z}/2^{e-3}\mathbb{Z}\).
\noindent \textbf{Keywords.} Multiplicative automorphisms, Monoid, $\mathbb{Z}/p^e\mathbb{Z}$, Group theory, Algebraic structures, Semi-direct product, Unit group, Dihedral group, Central product, Ring theory, Multiplicative automorphisms.
Rings and Algebras