System size dependence of cluster properties from two-particle angular correlations in and collisions at GeV
B Alver, BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, RR Betts, R Bindel, W Busza, Z Chai, V Chetluru, E García, T Gburek, K Gulbrandsen, J Hamblen, I Harnarine, C Henderson, DJ Hofman, RS Hollis, R Hołyński, B Holzman, A Iordanova, JL Kane, P Kulinich, CM Kuo, W Li, WT Lin, C Loizides, S Manly, AC Mignerey, R Nouicer, A Olszewski, R Pak, C Reed, E Richardson, C Roland, G Roland, J Sagerer, I Sedykh, CE Smith, MA Stankiewicz, P Steinberg, GSF Stephans, A Sukhanov, A Szostak, MB Tonjes, A Trzupek, GJ van Nieuwenhuizen, SS Vaurynovich, R Verdier, GI Veres, P Walters, E Wenger, D Willhelm, FLH Wolfs, B Wosiek, K Woźniak, S Wyngaardt, B Wysłouch
Abstract:We present results on two-particle angular correlations in and collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 200 GeV over a broad range of pseudorapidity () and azimuthal angle () values as a function of collision centrality. The PHOBOS detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has a uniquely large angular coverage for inclusive charged particles, which allows for the study of correlations on both long- and short-range scales. A complex two-dimensional correlation structure in and emerges, which is interpreted in the context of a cluster model. The effective cluster size and decay width are extracted from the two-particle pseudorapidity correlation functions. The effective cluster size found in semicentral and collisions is comparable to that found in proton-proton collisions but a nontrivial decrease in size with increasing centrality is observed. Moreover, a comparison of results from …