Decomposition Pipeline for Large-Scale Portfolio Optimization with Applications to Near-Term Quantum Computing
Atithi Acharya,Romina Yalovetzky,Pierre Minssen,Shouvanik Chakrabarti,Ruslan Shaydulin,Rudy Raymond,Yue Sun,Dylan Herman,Ruben S. Andrist,Grant Salton,Martin J. A. Schuetz,Helmut G. Katzgraber,Marco Pistoia
Abstract:Industrially relevant constrained optimization problems, such as portfolio optimization and portfolio rebalancing, are often intractable or difficult to solve exactly. In this work, we propose and benchmark a decomposition pipeline targeting portfolio optimization and rebalancing problems with constraints. The pipeline decomposes the optimization problem into constrained subproblems, which are then solved separately and aggregated to give a final result. Our pipeline includes three main components: preprocessing of correlation matrices based on random matrix theory, modified spectral clustering based on Newman's algorithm, and risk rebalancing. Our empirical results show that our pipeline consistently decomposes real-world portfolio optimization problems into subproblems with a size reduction of approximately 80%. Since subproblems are then solved independently, our pipeline drastically reduces the total computation time for state-of-the-art solvers. Moreover, by decomposing large problems into several smaller subproblems, the pipeline enables the use of near-term quantum devices as solvers, providing a path toward practical utility of quantum computers in portfolio optimization.
Optimization and Control,Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability,Quantum Physics