On the phase diagram of extensive-rank symmetric matrix denoising beyond rotational invariance
Jean Barbier,Francesco Camilli,Justin Ko,Koki Okajima
Abstract:Matrix denoising is central to signal processing and machine learning. Its analysis when the matrix to infer has a factorised structure with a rank growing proportionally to its dimension remains a challenge, except when it is rotationally invariant. In this case the information theoretic limits and a Bayes-optimal denoising algorithm, called rotational invariant estimator [1,2], are known. Beyond this setting few results can be found. The reason is that the model is not a usual spin system because of the growing rank dimension, nor a matrix model due to the lack of rotation symmetry, but rather a hybrid between the two. In this paper we make progress towards the understanding of Bayesian matrix denoising when the hidden signal is a factored matrix $XX^\intercal$ that is not rotationally invariant. Monte Carlo simulations suggest the existence of a denoising-factorisation transition separating a phase where denoising using the rotational invariant estimator remains Bayes-optimal due to universality properties of the same nature as in random matrix theory, from one where universality breaks down and better denoising is possible by exploiting the signal's prior and factorised structure, though algorithmically hard. We also argue that it is only beyond the transition that factorisation, i.e., estimating $X$ itself, becomes possible up to sign and permutation ambiguities. On the theoretical side, we combine mean-field techniques in an interpretable multiscale fashion in order to access the minimum mean-square error and mutual information. Interestingly, our alternative method yields equations which can be reproduced using the replica approach of [3]. Using numerical insights, we then delimit the portion of the phase diagram where this mean-field theory is reliable, and correct it using universality when it is not. Our ansatz matches well the numerics when accounting for finite size effects.
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Information Theory,Machine Learning