Large deviations for the 3D dimer model
Nishant Chandgotia,Scott Sheffield,Catherine Wolfram
Abstract:In 2000, Cohn, Kenyon and Propp studied uniformly random perfect matchings of large induced subgraphs of $\mathbb Z^2$ (a.k.a. dimer configurations or domino tilings) and developed a large deviation theory for the associated height functions. We establish similar results for large induced subgraphs of $\mathbb Z^3$. To formulate these results, recall that a perfect matching on a bipartite graph induces a flow that sends one unit of current from each even vertex to its odd partner. One can then subtract a "reference flow'' to obtain a divergence-free flow.
We show that the flow induced by a uniformly random dimer configuration converges in law (when boundary conditions on a bounded $R \subset \mathbb R^3$ are controlled and the mesh size tends to zero) to the deterministic divergence-free flow $g$ on $R$ that maximizes
$$\int_{R} \text{ent}(g(x)) \,dx$$ given the boundary data, where $\text{ent}(s)$ is the maximal specific entropy obtained by an ergodic Gibbs measure with mean current $s$. The function $\text{ent}$ is not known explicitly, but we prove that it is continuous and {\em strictly concave} on the octahedron $\mathcal O$ of possible mean currents (except on the edges of $\mathcal O$) which implies (under reasonable boundary conditions) that the maximizer is uniquely determined. We further establish two versions of a large deviation principle, using the integral above to quantify how exponentially unlikely the discrete random flows are to approximate other deterministic flows.
The planar dimer model is mathematically rich and well-studied, but many of the most powerful tools do not seem readily adaptable to higher dimensions. Our analysis begins with a smaller set of tools, which include Hall's matching theorem, the ergodic theorem, non-intersecting-lattice-path formulations, and double-dimer cycle swaps.
Probability,Mathematical Physics,Combinatorics