Strongest Atomic Physics Bounds on Non-Commutative Quantum Gravity Models
Kristian Piscicchia,Andrea Addazi,Antonino Marciano,Massimiliano Bazzi,Michael Cargnelli,Alberto Clozza,Luca De Paolis,Raffaele Del Grande,Carlo Guaraldo,Mihail Antoniu Iliescu,Matthias Laubenstein,Johann Marton,Marco Miliucci,Fabrizio Napolitano,Alessio Porcelli,Alessandro Scordo,Diana Laura Sirghi,Florin Sirghi,Oton Vazquez Doce,Johann Zmeskal,Catalina Curceanu
Abstract:Investigations of possible violations of the Pauli exclusion principle represent critical tests of the microscopic space-time structure and properties. Space-time noncommutativity provides a class of universality for several quantum gravity models. In this context the VIP-2 lead experiment sets the strongest bounds, searching for the Pauli exclusion principle violating atomic transitions in lead, excluding the θ-Poincaré noncommutative quantum gravity models far above the Planck scale for nonvanishing θ_{μν} electriclike components, and up to 6.9×10^{-2} Planck scales if θ_{0i}=0.