Remark on the Farey fraction spin chain

Marc Technau
Abstract:In 1999, Kleban and Özlük introduced a `Farey fraction spin chain' and made a conjecture regarding its asymptotic number of states with given energy, the latter being given (up to some normalisation) by the number $\Phi(N)$ of $2\times2$ matrices arising as products of $\bigl(\!\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\!\bigr)$ and $\bigl(\!\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\!\bigr)$ whose trace equals $N$. Although their conjecture was disproved by Peter (2001), quite precise results are known on average by works of Kallies--Özlük--Peter--Snyder (2001), Boca (2007) and Ustinov (2013). We show that the problem of estimating $\Phi(N)$ can be reduced to a problem on divisors of quadratic polynomials which was already solved by Hooley (1958) in a special case and, quite recently, in full generality by Bykovski{\uı} and Ustinov (2019). This produces an unconditional estimate for $\Phi(N)$, which hitherto was only (implicitly) known, conditionally on the availability on wide zero-free regions for certain Dirichlet $L$-functions, by the work of Kallies--Özlük--Peter--Snyder.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper attempts to solve the mathematical problems related to Farey fraction spin chains, specifically the quantity estimation of specific matrix products. The following is a detailed explanation: ### Research Background and Problem Description 1. **Farey Fraction Spin Chain Model**: - In 1999, Kleban and Özlük introduced the "Farey fraction spin chain" model. This model involves two matrices \( A \) and \( B \), which are respectively: \[ A=\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0 \\1 & 1\end{pmatrix}, \quad B = \begin{pmatrix}1 & 1 \\0 & 1\end{pmatrix} \] - The spin states in the model are composed of the finite products of these matrices. 2. **Energy Definition**: - The energy of the spin state \( C \) is given by the logarithm of its trace (trace). Therefore, for a given energy \( N \), we are concerned with how many spin states have a trace equal to \( N \). This leads to the definition of the function: \[ \Phi(N)=\#\{C\in\langle A, B\rangle:\text{tr}(C) = N\} \] - Here, \( \langle A, B\rangle \) represents the semigroup generated by \( A \) and \( B \). 3. **Early Conjectures and Results**: - Kleban and Özlük conjectured that the asymptotic formula for \( \Phi(N) \) is: \[ \Phi(N)\sim c_0N\log N\quad\text{as}\quad N\rightarrow\infty \] where \( c_0 = 1 \). - However, this conjecture was refuted by Peter (2001). He proved that the normalized \( \Phi^*(N)=\frac{\Phi(N)}{N\log N} \) has an absolutely continuous and smooth limit distribution, rather than tending to a fixed value. 4. **Subsequent Research**: - The focus has shifted to \( \Psi(N) \), the cumulative sum of \( \Phi(n) \): \[ \Psi(N)=\sum_{3\leq n\leq N}\Phi(n) \] - Boca (2007) and Ustinov (2013) et al. gave more precise asymptotic formulas for \( \Psi(N) \) and improved the error terms. ### Main Contributions of the Paper - **Connection to Solved Problems**: - The author connects \( \Phi(N) \) to the work of Hooley (1958) through a known formula. Hooley solved the divisor problem of quadratic polynomials. - Bykovskiȋ and Ustinov (2019) further generalized and strengthened Hooley's results for more general cases. - **Main Results**: - Theorem 2 shows that \( \Phi(N) \) can be expressed in terms of \( \Upsilon(X) \), where \( X = N^2 - 4 \): \[ \Phi(N)=\Upsilon(N^2 - 4)\quad\text{for}\quad N\geq3 \] - This result provides an unconditional estimation method, no longer relying on unproven assumptions. ### Summary The main objective of this paper is to provide an unconditional estimation method by connecting \( \Phi(N) \) with existing number - theoretic results, thereby further understanding Farey fractions.