Abstract:We study in this paper the monotonicity properties of the numerical solutions to Volterra integral equations with nonincreasing completely positive kernels on nonuniform meshes. There is a duality between the complete positivity and the properties of the complementary kernel being nonnegative and nonincreasing. Based on this, we propose the ``complementary monotonicity'' to describe the nonincreasing completely positive kernels, and the ``right complementary monotone'' (R-CMM) kernels as the analogue for nonuniform meshes. We then establish the monotonicity properties of the numerical solutions inherited from the continuous equation if the discretization has the R-CMM property. Such a property seems weaker than being log-convex and there is no resctriction on the step size ratio of the discretization for the R-CMM property to hold.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The core problem that this paper attempts to solve is: **How to construct a class of variable - step - size discretization methods that preserve monotonicity on non - uniform grids for solving Volterra integral equations and time - fractional - order ordinary differential equations (FODEs), especially for equations with non - increasing completely positive kernels.**
Specifically, the author focuses on the following points:
1. **Preserving monotonicity**: Ensure that the numerical solution inherits the monotonicity properties of the continuous equation. This is very important for causality and asymptotic behavior in physical models.
2. **Discretization on non - uniform grids**: Traditional completely monotonicity (CM) - preserving schemes are only applicable to uniform grids, while the method proposed in this paper can work effectively on non - uniform grids.
3. **Conditions weaker than log - convexity**: The proposed "right - complementary - monotonic" (R - CMM) property is weaker than the log - convexity condition and has no restrictions on the step - size ratio.
### Main contributions
- **Introduced the concept of "right - complementary - monotonic" (R - CMM) kernels**: This is to describe non - increasing completely positive kernels on non - uniform grids and ensure the monotonicity of the numerical solution.
- **Proved the sufficient conditions for the R - CMM property**: If the discrete kernel satisfies the R - CMM property, the numerical solution will preserve monotonicity.
- **Provided specific discretization schemes**: These schemes are applicable not only to Volterra integral equations but also to time - fractional - order ordinary differential equations.
### Summary of mathematical formulas
- The form of the Volterra integral equation is:
u(t)=h(t)+\int_{0}^{t} a(t - s)f(s, u(s))ds
where \(u(t)\) is the solution curve, \(h(t)\) is the given signal function, and \(a(t)\) is the convolution kernel.
- The form of the time - fractional - order ordinary differential equation (FODEs) is:
D_{c}^{\alpha}u = f(t, u),\quad u(0)=u_{0}
where the Caputo derivative is defined as:
D_{c}^{\alpha}u=\frac{1}{\Gamma(1-\alpha)}\int_{0}^{t}\frac{u^{\prime}(s)}{(t - s)^{\alpha}}ds
- The key to the R - CMM property lies in the bi - monotonicity (i.e., column monotonicity and row monotonicity) of the right - complementary kernel \(C_{R}\), as well as the positive diagonal elements and non - positive non - diagonal elements of its inverse \(C_{R}^{(- 1)}\).
Through these studies, the author provides a new method to deal with numerical calculation problems in physical models with memory effects, and in particular, has made progress in preserving the monotonicity of solutions on non - uniform grids.