Heavy Quark Energy Loss in Nuclear Medium - Escholarship
Benr-Wei Zhang,Enke Wang,Xin‐Nian Wang
Abstract:Heavy Quark Energy Loss in Nuclear Medium Ben-Wei Zhang , Enke Wang and Xin-Nian Wang -* * Institute of Particle Physics, Suazhong Normal University, Wuhan 4S0079, Cfcina Nuclear Science Division, MS 70R0319, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 947S0 USA Department of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan £50100, China (September 5, 2003) b c Multiple scattering, modified fragmentation {unctions and radiative energy loss of a heavy quark propagating in a nuclear medium are investigated in perturbative QCD. Because of the quark mass dependence of the gluon formation time, the medium size dependence of heavy quark energy loss is found to change from a linear to a quadratic form when the initial energy and momentum scale are increased relative to the quark mass. The radiative energy loss is also significantly suppressed relative to a light quark due to the suppression of collinear gluon emission by a heavy quark. A n energetic partem propagating i n a dense medium suffers a large amount of energy loss due to multiple scattering and induced gluon bremsstrahlung [1]. In a static medium, the total energy loss of a massless parton (light quark or gluon) is found to have a quadratic de- pendence on the medium size [2-6] due to non-Abelian Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) interference effect. In an expanding medium, the total energy loss can be cast into a line integral weighted with local gluon density along the parton propagation path [7-9]. Therefore, the measurement of parton energy loss can be used to study properties of the medium similar to the technique of com- puted tomography. Recent experimental measurements [10,11] of centrality dependence of high-pj hadron sup- pression agree very well [12] with such a parton energy loss mechanism. Because of the large mass of the heavy quark with a velocity v ss 1 - /2E , the formation time of gluon radiation, T / ~ l / ( w A f / 2 E + ^./2w,) is reduced rel- ative to a light quark. One should then expect the P M effect to be significantly reduced for intermediate energy heavy quarks. In addition, the heavy quark mass also suppresses gluon radiation amplitude at angles smaller than the ratio of the quark mass to its energy [13] rela- tive to the gluon radiation off a light quark. Both mass effects will lead to a heavy quark energy loss different from a light quark propagating in a dense medium. This might explain why one has not observed significant heavy quark energy loss froni the P H E N E C [14] measurement of the single electron spectrum from charm production in Au + Au collisions at y/s = 130 GeV. In this Letter, we report a study on medium induced energy loss and the modified fragmentation function of a heavy quark. In particular, we will show how the mass effects reduce the total energy loss and how the medium size depen- dence changes from a linear dependence to a quadratic one when the energy of the heavy quark or the momen- tum scale is increased. Similar results have been reported in Ref. [15] during the completion of this work. p s s To separate the complication of heavy quark produc- tion and propagation, we consider a simple process of charm quark production via the charge-current interac- tion in DIS off a large nucleus. The results can be easily extended to heavy quark propagation in other dense me- dia. The differential cross section for the Bemi-inclusive process l(Li) + A(p) — • v {Li) + H{£n) + X can be expressed as t Here i and L are the four momenta of the incoming lepton and the outgoing neutrino, IH the observed heavy quark meson momentum, p = ]p ,rn%f/2p ,0±l is the momentum per nucleon in the nucleus, and s = (p+Z>i) . G F is the four-fermion coupling constant and q - In — Li = [—Q /2q~,q~,0±] the momentum transfer via the exchange of a WM>oson. The charge-current leptonic ten- BOr is given by LJj, = l / 2 T r ( ^ i 7 ^ ( l - 7s)£a(l - 7B)7^)- We assume Q « M^,. The semi-inclusive hadronic ten- sor is defined as, '»lni E \HWX,H)(X,H\^\A) x 2ir6 (q + p-px i -tu) where Yl runs over all possible final Btates and J+ = c i p ( l — lt)te is the hadronic charged current. Here, S( = scos$c ~ dtanBc and 8c is the Cabibbo angle. To the leading-twist in collinear approximation, the semi- inclusive cross section factorizes into the product of quark distribution ff (XB + E M ) , the heavy quark fragmenta- tion function DQ- n(zn) (ZH — IH/ZQ) and the hard x t i partonic part HJE)(k,q,M) [17]. Here, x - Q /2p q~ is the Bjorken variable and XM = M /2p q~. Similar to the case of light quark propagation i n nu- clear medium [6], the generalized factorization of multiple scattering processes [16] will be employed. We will only consider double parton scattering. The leading contri- butions are the twist-four terms that are enhanced by the nuclear medium in a collinear expansion, assuming a B i