Abstract:In this paper, we prove that the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra of an horizontally displaceable n-dimensional Legendrian sphere in the contactisation of a Liouville manifold is a (n+1)-Calabi-Yau differential graded algebra. In particular it means that there is a quasi-isomorphism of DG-bimodules between the diagonal bimodule and the inverse dualizing bimodule associated to the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra. On some cyclic version of these bimodules, which are chain complexes computing the Hochschild homology and cohomology of the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra, we construct $A_\infty$ operations and show that the Calabi-Yau isomorphism extends to a family of maps satisfying the $A_\infty$-functor equations.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to prove that in the contact manifold \((Y, \alpha)\), the Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra of a horizontally movable \(n\)-dimensional Legendrian sphere is an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau differential graded algebra (DGA). Specifically, the goal of the paper is to prove the existence of a quasi - isomorphism:
\[CY: A\rightarrow A![n + 1]\]
where \(A\) is the Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra of the Legendrian sphere, \(A!\) is the inverse dualizing bimodule of \(A\), and satisfies \(CY\cong CY![n + 1]\). This shows that \(A\) has an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau structure.
### Background and Motivation
1. **Chekanov - Eliashberg Algebra**:
- The Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra (C - E algebra) is a unital differential graded algebra (DGA) related to Legendrian submanifolds, and its generators are the Reeb chords of Legendrian submanifolds.
- For Legendrian spheres, the C - E algebra provides a powerful invariant for studying Legendrian submanifolds in Legendrian homotopy classes.
2. **Calabi - Yau Structure**:
- The Calabi - Yau structure is a special duality property. For a DGA, it means the existence of a specific bimodule isomorphism.
- In this paper, the author uses the definition of Ginzburg [Gin] to describe the Calabi - Yau structure.
3. **Existing Results**:
- The linearized C - E algebra has been proven to have a certain duality property. This property was initially proven for Legendrian knots by Sabloff [Sab06] and was generalized to the high - dimensional and bilinearized cases by Ekholm - Etnyre - Sabloff [EES09] and Bourgeois - Chantraine [BC14].
- This paper attempts to prove that the full C - E algebra also has a similar duality property.
### Main Contributions
1. **Rabinowitz Floer Homology**:
- The author introduced a version of Rabinowitz Floer homology for Legendrian submanifolds with coefficients in the free \(A\)-bimodule \(A\otimes A\).
- By constructing the Rabinowitz bimodule, the author proved that it is invariant under Legendrian homotopy, and for horizontally movable Legendrian spheres, this complex is acyclic.
2. **Calabi - Yau Quasi - Isomorphism**:
- The author constructed a DG bimodule homomorphism \(CY\) from \(C^+(Λ_0, Λ_1)\) to \(qC^-(Λ_0, Λ_1)\) and proved that its cone is the Rabinowitz bimodule \(RFC_{A - A}(Λ_0, Λ_1)\).
- Due to the acyclicity of the Rabinowitz complex, \(CY\) is a quasi - isomorphism, thus proving that \(A\) is an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau DGA.
### Conclusion
By the above methods, the paper successfully proves that the Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra of a horizontally movable \(n\)-dimensional Legendrian sphere has an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau structure. This result provides a new perspective for understanding the invariants of Legendrian submanifolds and lays the foundation for further research.