Calabi-Yau structure on the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra of a Legendrian sphere

Noémie Legout
Abstract:In this paper, we prove that the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra of an horizontally displaceable n-dimensional Legendrian sphere in the contactisation of a Liouville manifold is a (n+1)-Calabi-Yau differential graded algebra. In particular it means that there is a quasi-isomorphism of DG-bimodules between the diagonal bimodule and the inverse dualizing bimodule associated to the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra. On some cyclic version of these bimodules, which are chain complexes computing the Hochschild homology and cohomology of the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra, we construct $A_\infty$ operations and show that the Calabi-Yau isomorphism extends to a family of maps satisfying the $A_\infty$-functor equations.
Symplectic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to prove that in the contact manifold \((Y, \alpha)\), the Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra of a horizontally movable \(n\)-dimensional Legendrian sphere is an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau differential graded algebra (DGA). Specifically, the goal of the paper is to prove the existence of a quasi - isomorphism: \[CY: A\rightarrow A![n + 1]\] where \(A\) is the Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra of the Legendrian sphere, \(A!\) is the inverse dualizing bimodule of \(A\), and satisfies \(CY\cong CY![n + 1]\). This shows that \(A\) has an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau structure. ### Background and Motivation 1. **Chekanov - Eliashberg Algebra**: - The Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra (C - E algebra) is a unital differential graded algebra (DGA) related to Legendrian submanifolds, and its generators are the Reeb chords of Legendrian submanifolds. - For Legendrian spheres, the C - E algebra provides a powerful invariant for studying Legendrian submanifolds in Legendrian homotopy classes. 2. **Calabi - Yau Structure**: - The Calabi - Yau structure is a special duality property. For a DGA, it means the existence of a specific bimodule isomorphism. - In this paper, the author uses the definition of Ginzburg [Gin] to describe the Calabi - Yau structure. 3. **Existing Results**: - The linearized C - E algebra has been proven to have a certain duality property. This property was initially proven for Legendrian knots by Sabloff [Sab06] and was generalized to the high - dimensional and bilinearized cases by Ekholm - Etnyre - Sabloff [EES09] and Bourgeois - Chantraine [BC14]. - This paper attempts to prove that the full C - E algebra also has a similar duality property. ### Main Contributions 1. **Rabinowitz Floer Homology**: - The author introduced a version of Rabinowitz Floer homology for Legendrian submanifolds with coefficients in the free \(A\)-bimodule \(A\otimes A\). - By constructing the Rabinowitz bimodule, the author proved that it is invariant under Legendrian homotopy, and for horizontally movable Legendrian spheres, this complex is acyclic. 2. **Calabi - Yau Quasi - Isomorphism**: - The author constructed a DG bimodule homomorphism \(CY\) from \(C^+(Λ_0, Λ_1)\) to \(qC^-(Λ_0, Λ_1)\) and proved that its cone is the Rabinowitz bimodule \(RFC_{A - A}(Λ_0, Λ_1)\). - Due to the acyclicity of the Rabinowitz complex, \(CY\) is a quasi - isomorphism, thus proving that \(A\) is an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau DGA. ### Conclusion By the above methods, the paper successfully proves that the Chekanov - Eliashberg algebra of a horizontally movable \(n\)-dimensional Legendrian sphere has an \((n + 1)\)-Calabi - Yau structure. This result provides a new perspective for understanding the invariants of Legendrian submanifolds and lays the foundation for further research.