Parallel Approximate Maximum Flows in Near-Linear Work and Polylogarithmic Depth
Arpit Agarwal,Sanjeev Khanna,Huan Li,Prathamesh Patil,Chen Wang,Nathan White,Peilin Zhong
Abstract:We present a parallel algorithm for the $(1-\epsilon)$-approximate maximum
flow problem in capacitated, undirected graphs with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges,
achieving $O(\epsilon^{-3}\text{polylog} n)$ depth and $O(m \epsilon^{-3}
\text{polylog} n)$ work in the PRAM model. Although near-linear time sequential
algorithms for this problem have been known for almost a decade, no parallel
algorithms that simultaneously achieved polylogarithmic depth and near-linear
work were known.
At the heart of our result is a polylogarithmic depth, near-linear work
recursive algorithm for computing congestion approximators. Our algorithm
involves a recursive step to obtain a low-quality congestion approximator
followed by a "boosting" step to improve its quality which prevents a
multiplicative blow-up in error. Similar to Peng [SODA'16], our boosting step
builds upon the hierarchical decomposition scheme of R\"acke, Shah, and
T\"aubig [SODA'14].
A direct implementation of this approach, however, leads only to an algorithm
with $n^{o(1)}$ depth and $m^{1+o(1)}$ work. To get around this, we introduce a
new hierarchical decomposition scheme, in which we only need to solve maximum
flows on subgraphs obtained by contracting vertices, as opposed to
vertex-induced subgraphs used in R\"acke, Shah, and T\"aubig [SODA'14]. In
particular, we are able to directly extract congestion approximators for the
subgraphs from a congestion approximator for the entire graph, thereby avoiding
additional recursion on those subgraphs. Along the way, we also develop a
parallel flow-decomposition algorithm that is crucial to achieving
polylogarithmic depth and may be of independent interest.
Data Structures and Algorithms