BEC-BCS Crossover with Feshbach Resonance for Three-Hyperfine-Species Model
Guojun Zhu
Abstract:In a Feshbach resonance, the effective s-wave scattering length grows when one moves toward the resonance point, and eventually diverges at this point. There is one characteristic energy scale, $\delta_c$, defined as, in the negative side of the resonance point, the detuning energy at which the weight of the bound state shifts from predominatedly in the open-channel to predominated in the closed-channel. When the many-body energy scale (e.g. the Fermi energy, $E_{F}$) is larger than $\delta_c$, the closed-channel weight is significant and has to be included in the many-body theory. Furthermore, when two channels share a hyperfine species, the Pauli exclusion between fermions from two channels also needs to be taken into consideration in the many-body theory.
The current thesis addresses the above problem in detail. A set of gap equations and number equations are derived at the mean-field level. The fermionic and bosonic excitation spectra are then derived. Assuming that the uncoupled bound-state of the closed-channel in resonance is much smaller than the inter-particle distance, as well as the s-wave scattering length, $a_s$, we find that the basic equations in the single-channel crossover model are still valid. The correction first comes from the existing of the finite chemical potential and additional counting complication due to the closed-channel. These two corrections need to be included into the mean-field equations, i.e. the gap equations and the number equations, and be solved self-consistently. Then the correction due to the inter-channel Pauli exclusion is in the order of the ratio of the Fermi energy and the Zeeman energy difference between two channels, $E_F/\eta$, which can be analyzed perturbatively over the previous corrections.
Fermionic and bosonic excitation modes are studied.
Quantum Gases,Superconductivity