Measurements of the $\nu_{\mu}$ and $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}$-induced Coherent
Charged Pion Production Cross Sections on $^{12}C$ by the T2K experiment
K. Abe,N. Akhlaq,R. Akutsu,A. Ali,S. Alonso Monsalve,C. Alt,C. Andreopoulos,M. Antonova,S. Aoki,T. Arihara,Y. Asada,Y. Ashida,E. T. Atkin,M. Barbi,G. J. Barker,G. Barr,D. Barrow,M. Batkiewicz-Kwasniak,V. Berardi,L. Berns,S. Bhadra,A. Blanchet,A. Blondel,S. Bolognesi,T. Bonus,S. Bordoni,S. B. Boyd,A. Bravar,C. Bronner,S. Bron,A. Bubak,M. Buizza Avanzini,J. A. Caballero,N. F. Calabria,S. Cao,D. Carabadjac,A. J. Carter,S. L. Cartwright,M. P. Casado,M. G. Catanesi,A. Cervera,J. Chakrani,D. Cherdack,P. S. Chong,G. Christodoulou,A. Chvirova,M. Cicerchia,J. Coleman,G. Collazuol,L. Cook,A. Cudd,C. Dalmazzone,T. Daret,Yu. I. Davydov,A. De Roeck,G. De Rosa,T. Dealtry,C. C. Delogu,C. Densham,A. Dergacheva,F. Di Lodovico,S. Dolan,D. Douqa,T. A. Doyle,O. Drapier,J. Dumarchez,P. Dunne,K. Dygnarowicz,A. Eguchi,S. Emery-Schrenk,G. Erofeev,A. Ershova,G. Eurin,D. Fedorova,S. Fedotov,M. Feltre,A. J. Finch,G. A. Fiorentini Aguirre,G. Fiorillo,M. D. Fitton,J. M. Franco Patiño,M. Friend,Y. Fujii,Y. Fukuda,Y. Furui,L. Giannessi,C. Giganti,V. Glagolev,M. Gonin,J. González Rosa,E. A. G. Goodman,A. Gorin,M. Grassi,M. Guigue,D. R. Hadley,J. T. Haigh,P. Hamacher-Baumann,D. A. Harris,M. Hartz,T. Hasegawa,S. Hassani,N. C. Hastings,Y. Hayato,D. Henaff,M. Hogan,J. Holeczek,A. Holin,T. Holvey,N. T. Hong Van,T. Honjo,A. K. Ichikawa,M. Ikeda,T. Ishida,M. Ishitsuka,H. T. Israel,A. Izmaylov,M. Jakkapu,B. Jamieson,S. J. Jenkins,C. Jesús-Valls,J. J. Jiang,J. Y. Ji,P. Jonsson,S. Joshi,C. K. Jung,P. B. Jurj,M. Kabirnezhad,A. C. Kaboth,T. Kajita,H. Kakuno,J. Kameda,S. P. Kasetti,Y. Kataoka,T. Katori,M. Kawaue,E. Kearns,M. Khabibullin,A. Khotjantsev,T. Kikawa,S. King,V. Kiseeva,J. Kisiel,H. Kobayashi,T. Kobayashi,L. Koch,S. Kodama,A. Konaka,L. L. Kormos,Y. Koshio,T. Koto,K. Kowalik,Y. Kudenko,Y. Kudo,S. Kuribayashi,R. Kurjata,T. Kutter,M. Kuze,M. La Commara,L. Labarga,K. Lachner,J. Lagoda,S. M. Lakshmi,M. Lamers James,M. Lamoureux,A. Langella,J. -F. Laporte,D. Last,N. Latham,M. Laveder,L. Lavitola,M. Lawe,Y. Lee,C. Lin,S. -K. Lin,R. P. Litchfield,S. L. Liu,W. Li,A. Longhin,K. R. Long,A. Lopez Moreno,L. Ludovici,X. Lu,T. Lux,L. N. Machado,L. Magaletti,K. Mahn,M. Malek,M. Mandal,S. Manly,A. D. Marino,L. Marti-Magro,D. G. R. Martin,M. Martini,J. F. Martin,T. Maruyama,T. Matsubara,V. Matveev,C. Mauger,K. Mavrokoridis,E. Mazzucato,N. McCauley,J. McElwee,K. S. McFarland,C. McGrew,J. McKean,A. Mefodiev,G. D. Megias,P. Mehta,L. Mellet,C. Metelko,M. Mezzetto,E. Miller,A. Minamino,O. Mineev,S. Mine,M. Miura,L. Molina Bueno,S. Moriyama,S. Moriyama,P. Morrison,Th. A. Mueller,D. Munford,L. Munteanu,K. Nagai,Y. Nagai,T. Nakadaira,K. Nakagiri,M. Nakahata,Y. Nakajima,A. Nakamura,H. Nakamura,K. Nakamura,K. D. Nakamura,Y. Nakano,S. Nakayama,T. Nakaya,K. Nakayoshi,C. E. R. Naseby,T. V. Ngoc,V. Q. Nguyen,K. Niewczas,S. Nishimori,Y. Nishimura,K. Nishizaki,T. Nosek,F. Nova,P. Novella,J. C. Nugent,H. M. O'Keeffe,L. O'Sullivan,T. Odagawa,W. Okinaga,K. Okumura,T. Okusawa,N. Ospina,Y. Oyama,V. Palladino,V. Paolone,M. Pari,J. Parlone,J. Pasternak,M. Pavin,D. Payne,G. C. Penn,D. Pershey,L. Pickering,C. Pidcott,G. Pintaudi,C. Pistillo,B. Popov,K. Porwit,M. Posiadala-Zezula,Y. S. Prabhu,F. Pupilli,B. Quilain,T. Radermacher,E. Radicioni,B. Radics,M. A. Ramírez,P. N. Ratoff,M. Reh,C. Riccio,E. Rondio,S. Roth,N. Roy,A. Rubbia,A. C. Ruggeri,C. A. Ruggles,A. Rychter,K. Sakashita,F. Sánchez,C. M. Schloesser,K. Scholberg,M. Scott,Y. Seiya,T. Sekiguchi,H. Sekiya,D. Sgalaberna,A. Shaikhiev,F. Shaker,M. Shiozawa,W. Shorrock,A. Shvartsman,N. Skrobova,K. Skwarczynski,D. Smyczek,M. Smy,J. T. Sobczyk,H. Sobel,F. J. P. Soler,Y. Sonoda,A. J. Speers,R. Spina,I. A. Suslov,S. Suvorov,A. Suzuki,S. Y. Suzuki,Y. Suzuki,M. Tada,S. Tairafune,S. Takayasu,A. Takeda,Y. Takeuchi,K. Takifuji,H. K. Tanaka,M. Tani,A. Teklu,V. V. Tereshchenko,N. Thamm,L. F. Thompson,W. Toki,C. Touramanis,T. Towstego,K. M. Tsui,T. Tsukamoto,M. Tzanov,Y. Uchida,M. Vagins,D. Vargas,M. Varghese,G. Vasseur,C. Vilela,E. Villa,W. G. S. Vinning,U. Virginet,T. Vladisavljevic,T. Wachala,J. G. Walsh,Y. Wang,L. Wan,D. Wark,M. O. Wascko,A. Weber,R. Wendell,M. J. Wilking,C. Wilkinson,J. R. Wilson,K. Wood,C. Wret,J. Xia,Y. -h. Xu,K. Yamamoto,T. Yamamoto,C. Yanagisawa,G. Yang,T. Yano,K. Yasutome,N. Yershov,U. Yevarouskaya,M. Yokoyama,Y. Yoshimoto,N. Yoshimura,M. Yu,R. Zaki,A. Zalewska,J. Zalipska,K. Zaremba,G. Zarnecki,X. Zhao,T. Zhu,M. Ziembicki,E. D. Zimmerman,M. Zito,S. Zsoldos
Abstract: We report an updated measurement of the $\nu_{\mu}$-induced, and the first measurement of the $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}$-induced coherent charged pion production cross section on $^{12}C$ nuclei in the T2K experiment. This is measured in a restricted region of the final-state phase space for which $p_{\mu,\pi} > 0.2$ GeV, $\cos(\theta_{\mu}) > 0.8$ and $\cos(\theta_{\pi}) > 0.6$, and at a mean (anti)neutrino energy of 0.85 GeV using the T2K near detector. The measured $\nu_{\mu}$ CC coherent pion production flux-averaged cross section on $^{12}C$ is $(2.98 \pm 0.37 (stat.) \pm 0.31 (syst.) \substack{ +0.49 \\ -0.00 } \mathrm{ (Q^2\,model)}) \times 10^{-40}~\mathrm{cm}^{2}$. The new measurement of the $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}$-induced cross section on $^{12}{C}$ is $(3.05 \pm 0.71 (stat.) \pm 0.39 (syst.) \substack{ +0.74 \\ -0.00 } \mathrm{(Q^2\,model)}) \times 10^{-40}~\mathrm{cm}^{2}$. The results are compatible with both the NEUT 5.4.0 Berger-Sehgal (2009) and GENIE 2.8.0 Rein-Sehgal (2007) model predictions.