Data-Based Control of Continuous-Time Linear Systems with Performance Specifications
Victor G. Lopez,Matthias A. Müller
Abstract:The design of direct data-based controllers has become a fundamental part of control theory research in the last few years. In this paper, we consider three classes of data-based state feedback control problems for linear systems. These control problems are such that, besides stabilization, some additional performance requirements must be satisfied. First, we formulate and solve a trajectory-reference control problem, on which desired closed-loop trajectories are known and a controller that allows the system to closely follow those trajectories is computed. Then, in the area of data-based optimal control, we solve two different problems: the inverse problem of optimal control, and the solution of the LQR problem for continuous-time systems. Finally, we consider the case in which the precise position of the desired poles of the closed-loop system is known, and introduce a data-based variant of a robust pole-placement procedure. Although we focus on continuous-time systems, all of the presented methods can also be easily formulated for the discrete-time case. The applicability of the proposed methods is tested using numerical simulations.
Systems and Control