FPT Algorithms using Minimal Parameters for a Generalized Version of Maximin Shares
Klaus Jansen,Alexandra Lassota,Malte Tutas,Adrian Vetta
Abstract:We study the computational complexity of fairly allocating indivisible, mixed-manna items. For basic measures of fairness, this problem is hard in general. Thus, research has flourished concerning input classes where efficient algorithms exist, both for the purpose of establishing theoretical boundaries and for the purpose of designing practical algorithms for real-world instances. Notably, the paradigm of fixed-parameter tractability (FPT) has lead to new insights and improved algorithms for a variety of fair allocation problems; see, for example, Bleim et al. (IJCAI 16), Aziz et al. (AAAI 17), Bredereck et al. (EC 19) and Kulkarni et al. (EC 21).
Our focus is the fairness measure maximin shares (MMS). Motivated by the general non-existence of MMS allocations, Aziz et al. (AAAI 17) studied optimal MMS allocations, namely solutions that achieve the best $\alpha$-approximation for the maximin share value of every agent. These allocations are guaranteed to exist, prompting the important open question of whether optimal MMS allocations can be computed efficiently. We answer this question affirmatively by providing FPT algorithms to output optimal MMS allocations. Furthermore, our techniques extend to find allocations that optimize alternative objectives, such as minimizing the additive approximation, and maximizing some variants of global welfare.
In fact, all our algorithms are designed for a more general MMS problem in machine scheduling. Here, each mixed-manna item (job) must be assigned to an agent (machine) and has a processing time and a deadline. We develop efficient algorithms running in FPT time. Formally, we present polynomial time algorithms w.r.t. the input size times some function dependent on the parameters that yield optimal maximin-value approximations (among others) when parameterized by a set of natural parameters
Data Structures and Algorithms