Search for e ? charged lepton flavor violation at the EIC with the ECCE detector
J. -L Zhang,S. Mantry,J. K. Adkins,Y. Akiba,A. Albataineh,M. Amaryan,I. C. Arsene,C. Ayerbe Gayoso,J. Bae,X. Bai,M. D. Baker,M. Bashkanov,R. Bellwied,F. Benmokhtar,V. Berdnikov,J. C. Bernauer,F. Bock,W. Boeglin,M. Borysova,E. Brash,P. Brindza,W. J. Briscoe,M. Brooks,S. Bueltmann,M. H. S. Bukhari,A. Bylinkin,R. Capobianco,W. -C. Chang,Y. Cheon,K. Chen,K. -F. Chen,K. -Y. Cheng,M. Chiu,T. Chujo,Z. Citron,E. Cline,E. Cohen,T. Cormier,Y. Corrales Morales,C. Cotton,J. Crafts,C. Crawford,S. Creekmore,C. Cuevas,J. Cunningham,G. David,C. T. Dean,M. Demarteau,S. Diehl,N. Doshita,R. Dupre,J. M. Durham,R. Dzhygadlo,R. Ehlers,L. El Fassi,A. Emmert,R. Ent,C. Fanelli,R. Fatemi,S. Fegan,M. Finger,M. Finger,J. Frantz,M. Friedman,I. Friscic,D. Gangadharan,S. Gardner,K. Gates,F. Geurts,R. Gilman,D. Glazier,E. Glimos,Y. Goto,N. Grau,S. Greene,A. Q. Guo,L. Guo,S. K. Ha,J. Haggerty,T. Hayward,X. He,O. Hen,D. W. Higinbotham,M. Hoballah,T. Horn,A. Hoghmrtsyan,P. -H. J. Hsu,J. Huang,G. Huber,A. Hutson,K. Y. Hwang,C. E. Hyde,M. Inaba,T. Iwata,H. S. Jo,K. Joo,N. Kalantarians,G. Kalicy,K. Kawade,S. J. D. Kay,A. Kim,B. Kim,C. Kim,M. Kim,Y. Kim,Y. Kim,E. Kistenev,V. Klimenko,S. H. Ko,I. Korover,W. Korsch,G. Krintiras,S. Kuhn,C. -M. Kuo,T. Kutz,J. Lajoie,D. Lawrence,S. Lebedev,H. Lee,J. S. H. Lee,S. W. Lee,Y. -J. Lee,W. Li,W. B. Li,X. Li,X. Li,X. Li,X. Li,Y. T. Liang,S. Lim,C-H Lin,D. X. Lin,K. Liu,M. X. Liu,K. Livingston,N. Liyanage,W. J. Llope,C. Loizides,E. Long,R. -S Lu,Z. Lu,W. Lynch,D. Marchand,M. Marcisovsky,C. Markert,P. Markowitz,H. Marukyan,P. McGaughey,M. Mihovilovic,R. G. Milner,A. Milov,Y. Miyachi,A. Mkrtchyan,H. Mkrtchyan,P. Monaghan,R. Montgomery,D. Morrison,A. Movsisyan,C. Munoz Camacho,M. Murray,K. Nagai,J. Nagle,I. Nakagawa,C. Nattrass,D. Nguyen,S. Niccolai,R. Nouicer,G. Nukazuka,M. Nycz,V. A. Okorokov,S. Oresic,J. D. Osborn,C. O'Shaughnessy,S. Paganis,Z. Papandreou,S. F. Pate,M. Patel,C. Paus,G. Penman,M. G. Perdekamp,D. V. Perepelitsa,H. Periera da Costa,K. Peters,W. Phelps,E. Piasetzky,C. Pinkenburg,I. Prochazka,T. Protzman,M. L. Purschke,J. Putschke,J. R. Pybus,R. Rajput-Ghoshal,J. Rasson,B. Raue,K. F. Read,K. Roed,R. Reed,J. Reinhold,E. L. Renner,J. Richards,C. Riedl,T. Rinn,J. Roche,G. M. Roland,G. Ron,M. Rosati,C. Royon,J. Ryu,S. Salur,N. Santiesteban,R. Santos,M. Sarsour,J. Schambach,A. Schmidt,N. Schmidt,C. Schwarz,J. Schwiening,R. Seidl,A. Sickles,P. Simmerling,S. Sirca,D. Sharma,Z. Shi,T. -A. Shibata,C. -W. Shih,S. Shimizu,U. Shrestha,K. Slifer,K. Smith,D. Sokhan,R. Soltz,W. Sondheim,J. Song,J. Song,I. I. Strakovsky,P. Steinberg,P. Stepanov,J. Stevens,J. Strube,P. Sun,X. Sun,K. Suresh,V. Tadevosyan,W-C Tang,S. Tapia Araya,S. Tarafdar,L. Teodorescu,D. Thomas,A. Timmins,L. Tomasek,N. Trotta,R. Trotta,T. S. Tveter,E. Umaka,A. Usman,H. W. van Hecke,C. Van Hulse,J. Velkovska,E. Voutier,P. K. Wang,Q. Wang,Y. Wang,Y. Wang,D. P. Watts,N. Wickramaarachchi,L. Weinstein,M. Williams,C. -P. Wong,L. Wood,M. H. Wood,C. Woody,B. Wyslouch,Z. Xiao,Y. Yamazaki,Y. Yang,Z. Ye,H. D. Yoo,M. Yurov,N. Zachariou,W. A. Zajc,W. Zha,J. -X. Zhang,Y. Zhang,Y. -X. Zhao,X. Zheng,P. Zhuang
Abstract:The recently approved Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will provide a unique new opportunity for searches of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) and other new physics scenarios. In contrast to the e & LRARR; & mu; CLFV transition for which very stringent limits exist, there is still a relatively large discovery space for the e & RARR; z CLFV transition, potentially to be explored by the EIC. With the latest detector design of ECCE (EIC Comprehensive Chromodynamics Experiment) and projected integral luminosity of the EIC, we find the z-leptons created in the DIS process ep & RARR; zX are expected to be identified with high efficiency. A first ECCE simulation study, restricted to the 3-prong z-decay mode and with limited statistics for the Standard Model backgrounds, estimates that the EIC will be able to improve the current exclusion limit on e & RARR; z CLFV by an order of magnitude. The very high vertex resolution of the ECCE detector configuration plays a critical role in z identification.