[Studies on the function of sebaceous glands and the aspects of sebum on the skin surface].
A. Tsuchiya
Abstract:Many researches on the function of sebaceous glands have been made by measuring the quantity of surface lipids on the skin. Sebum excretion is affected by such factors as temperature, perspiration, emotion, etc. and the quantitative differences vary in individuals. The presence of lipids from the homy layer also interfere in the quantity of the surface lipids. These are the reasons for no decided considerations on severa]problems of the function of sebaceous glands to be made so far. With the osmic acid,filterpaper method the author measured the sebum which was just then excreted at the orifices of hair follicles iDUt did not yet spread on the skin surface and was not yet under the influence of emulfication with sweat. Further the effectof temperature on the sebum excretion was observed under the minimum influence from the sweat. The innervation of the sebaceous glands was 306 日本皮膚科学会雑誌 第72巷 第4号 discussed on the basis of the observation of sebum excretion on the area of disturbance or abnormality in the vegetative nervous system. Another attempt was the observation of surface film through a phase contrast microscope for the consideration of the relationships between the sebum and the sweat on the skin surface. The results were as follows : 1. It took 2 t03 hours for the surface lipids on the forehead to return from the defatted to the casual level(Fig.l). 2, In children under 13 years of age sebum excretion was very small in quantity while fifteen-year-oldsshowed the remarkable increase in excretion. the greatest of which was in those between 20 t0 35 years old. then beginning to decrease in the adult above40 years of age. In every age the female showed less excretion than the male. Especially in persons from fifty years old and over, the difference between both sexes in excretion was recognized obviously (Fig.2). 3. In 15 t0 40 years old of both sexes serial examinations at every 20 minutes of thesebum excretion on the fixed area of forehead proved constant state of the excretion。 (Fig.3). 胤 Sebum excretion measured at several parts of the body showed less decrease in the following succession : tip of the nose, forehead, scalp, surroundings of the mouth, cheeks。 sternal region, interscapular region. genital region, axillar region, waist and abdomen。 Judging from this result the author decided that the term “ seborrheic zone ” could be= applied to the above several parts except waist and aMomen (Fig.4,5,6). 5. Under the least influence of the sweat on the skin surace sebum excretion revealed the increase in accordance with the room temperature tillat 30°C,but when the temperature rose up over it sebum excretion seemed to decrease in spite of the accelerated sweating; (Fig.7). 6. Examination of both sebum excretion and sweating on the forehead of hyperidrosis facialisat the moderate temperature disclosed that, under less influence of the sweat on。 the skin, the sebum excretion was less in quantity than in the healthy persons of the same age(Fia.8). . 7. The results of the observation through a phase contrast microscope were that, in。 visiblesweating. surface film showed the emulsion consisting of the sweat and the sebum of oilin water type, and that in invisible sweating, the sebum formed oval or geographic patterns, and then that in slight sweating the emulsion of oilin water type was recognized only in the perspirated regions, so the sebum showed spread unevenly. In all cases nO emulsion could be found in the form of water in oil (Fig.10,11,12,13,14). 文 1) Enderlin, K. et Brun, R.: Dermatologica, 108, 235 (1954). 2) Sulzberger, M.B.: Ibid., 112, 161 (1956). 3) Schur, H. u. Goldfarb, L.: Wien. klm. Ws献 chr・, 40, 1255 (1927). 4) Pachur, R.: Arch. f. Dermat・, 162, 253 (!930). 5) Zehender, F. u. Dunner, M.:Dermatologica。