Research on Space Weather Chain Model Based on Large and Small Model Co-evolution
Zhou Chen
Abstract:Research on Space Weather Chain Model Based on Large and Small Model Co-evolution Zhou Chen1,2,3 ,Jing-Song Wang3, Meng Zhou1,2, Haimeng Li1,2, Rongxin Tang1,2, Xiaohua Deng1,2 Institute of Space Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Peopleʼs Republic of China; Information Engineering School, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Peopleʼs Republic of China Key Laboratory of Space Weather, National Center for Space Weather, Meteorological Administration, Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China Corresponding author: For space physics, a complete space weather event typically follows a general pattern of formation and development from the surface of the Sun, propagation and evolution in interstellar space, and finally having impacts and effects in the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere of near Earth space, known as the causal chain of space weather. Therefore, when conducting ionospheric and thermosphere forecasting research, it is necessary to consider the state of the sun as the source in order to improve predictions. Especially under extreme conditions (such as during geomagnetic storms), the prediction of key solar parameters is the most important prerequisite for predicting the thermosphere and ionosphere. In order to improve the prediction level of extreme space weather events, multi-modal deep learning technology was adopted and physical constraints were added to address the physical relationships in time, space, and causal driving of solar, ionospheric, and thermosphere observation data in space physics. Global ionospheric TEC prediction, global ionospheric four-dimensional electron density prediction, orbital thermosphere atmospheric density prediction, and global thermosphere atmospheric density prediction were carried out, respectively, And research on solar flare prediction has been conducted, and a chain forecasting method combining the sun, ionosphere, and thermosphere has been preliminarily implemented.