Anyonic exchange in a beam splitter

Christophe Mora
Abstract:The exotic braiding of anyons is certainly the most tantalizing aspect of fractional quantum Hall states. Although braiding is usually thought as a two-dimensional adiabatic manipulation, the braiding phase can also be captured in one dimension in an out-of-equilibrium setting. We discuss here to what extend a beam splitter reveals the braiding phase when excited with voltage or current pulses. We identify two main physical mechanisms that govern the sign and the size of the output cross-correlations: the non-linearity, characterized by the tunneling exponent, and the presence of holes in the incoming beams, related to the braiding phase. We show how the incoming signals form an environment for the beam splitter (akin to the dynamical Coulomb blockade effect) and thus interpret the mixing not as a collision of particles, but as a collision or interference of waves. We illustrate the physical picture with various examples of excitations for integer and fractional Hall states and show the emergence of genuine antibunching statistics when mixing dense voltage pulses.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to explore and reveal the braiding phase of anyons in quantum point contacts (QPC) or beam splitters, and explain how these phases are manifested through the output cross - correlations. Specifically, the paper mainly focuses on the following points: 1. **Braiding statistics of anyons**: - The paper studies the unique braiding statistical properties of anyons in fractional quantum Hall states. Although braiding is usually considered as a two - dimensional adiabatic operation, the paper points out that the braiding phase can also be captured in one - dimensional non - equilibrium settings. 2. **Physical mechanisms of cross - correlations**: - Two main physical mechanisms that determine the sign and magnitude of the output cross - correlations are studied: non - linearity (characterized by the tunneling exponent) and the presence of holes in the incident beam (related to the braiding phase). The authors show that the incident signal forms the environment of the beam splitter, similar to the dynamic Coulomb blockade effect, thus interpreting the mixing process as wave collisions or interference rather than particle collisions. 3. **Experimental verification and theoretical prediction**: - The paper discusses how to excite the beam splitter through voltage or current pulses to reveal the braiding phase and identify the two main physical mechanisms. In addition, various excitation examples of integer and fractional quantum Hall states are presented, as well as the true anti - bunching statistical properties that appear when mixing dense voltage pulses. 4. **Tunneling process in energy representation**: - By switching to the energy representation, the paper provides a more intuitive tunneling picture. In this representation, the incident beam provides the environment of the beam splitter, leading to the tunneling of quasiparticles and holes, combined with the non - linearity of transmission, ultimately resulting in negative cross - correlations. 5. **Effects of different pulse shapes**: - The effects of different forms of pulses on integer quantum Hall states are studied, in particular, how single - unit - charge - quantized pulses generate holes, resulting in negative cross - correlations. The exception is the Lorentzian pulse, which, due to its special analytical structure, avoids the formation of holes. ### Formula summary - **Quasiparticle correlation function**: \[ C_A(t)=C_{\text{eq}}(t)\times\begin{cases} e^{-I_A|t|}(1 - e^{i\delta\text{sgn}(t)})&|t|\gg\tau\\ 1+\frac{2i\pi I_A t}{e}&|t|\ll\tau \end{cases} \] where $\tau = \hbar/(eV)$ is the time width of each anyon, $I_A$ is the average current of anyons, $e^*=\nu e$ is the charge of anyons, and $\delta = 2\pi\nu$ is the phase accumulated after two anyons are braided. - **Environment function**: \[ P(\varepsilon)=\frac{\hbar}{\pi\tau_0}\frac{1}{(\varepsilon-\varepsilon_0)^2+\left(\frac{\hbar}{\tau_0}\right)^2} \] where $\varepsilon_0=\hbar\left(\frac{I_-}{e^*}\sin\delta\right)$ and $\frac{1}{\tau_0}=\frac{I_+}{e^*}[1 - \cos\delta]$, with $I_\pm = I_A\pm I_B$. - **Tunneling rate**: \[ w_{AB/BA}=N_0\Re\left[e^{-i\pi\nu\left(\frac{I_+ \mp iI_-}{e^*}\tan\left(\f\right)\right)}\right]