Short-time large deviations of the spatially averaged height of a KPZ interface on a ring
Timo Schorlepp,Pavel Sasorov,Baruch Meerson
Abstract:Using the optimal fluctuation method, we evaluate the short-time probability distribution $P (\bar{H}, L, t=T)$ of the spatially averaged height $\bar{H} = (1/L) \int_0^L h(x, t=T) \, dx$ of a one-dimensional interface $h(x, t)$ governed by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation $$ \partial_th=\nu \partial_x^2h+\frac{\lambda}{2} \left(\partial_xh\right)^2+\sqrt{D}\xi(x,t) $$ on a ring of length $L$. The process starts from a flat interface, $h(x,t=0)=0$. Both at $\lambda \bar{H} < 0$, and at sufficiently small positive $\lambda \bar{H}$ the optimal (that is, the least-action) path $h(x,t)$ of the interface, conditioned on $\bar{H}$, is uniform in space, and the distribution $P (\bar{H}, L, T)$ is Gaussian. However, at sufficiently large $\lambda \bar{H} > 0$ the spatially uniform solution becomes sub-optimal and gives way to non-uniform optimal paths. We study them, and the resulting non-Gaussian distribution $P (\bar{H}, L, T)$, analytically and numerically. The loss of optimality of the uniform solution occurs via a dynamical phase transition of either first, or second order, depending on the rescaled system size $\ell = L/\sqrt{\nu T}$, at a critical value $\bar{H}=\bar{H}_{\text{c}}(\ell)$. At large but finite $\ell$ the transition is of first order. Remarkably, it becomes an "accidental" second-order transition in the limit of $\ell \to \infty$, where a large-deviation behavior $-\ln P (\bar{H}, L, T) \simeq (L/T) f(\bar{H})$ (in the units $\lambda=\nu=D=1$) is observed. At small $\ell$ the transition is of second order, while at $\ell =O(1)$ transitions of both types occur.
Statistical Mechanics