Guixiang Hong,Simeng Wang,Xumin Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/1520
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Abstract:This paper is devoted to the study of pointwise convergence of Fourier seriesfor group von Neumann algebras and quantum groups. It is well-known that anumber of approximation properties of groups can be interpreted as summationmethods and mean convergence of the associated noncommutative Fourier series.Based on this framework, this paper studies the refined counterpart ofpointwise convergence of these Fourier series. As a key ingredient, we developa noncommutative bootstrap method and establish a general criterion of maximalinequalities for approximate identities of noncommutative Fourier multipliers.Based on this criterion, we prove that for any countable discrete amenablegroup, there exists a sequence of finitely supported positive definitefunctions tending to 1 pointwise, so that the associated Fourier multiplierson noncommutative L_p-spaces satisfy the pointwise convergence for all p>1.In a similar fashion, we also obtain results for a large subclass of groups (aswell as quantum groups) with the Haagerup property and the weak amenability. Wealso consider the analogues of Fejér and Bochner-Riesz means in thenoncommutative setting. Our approach heavily relies on the noncommutativeergodic theory in conjunction with abstract constructions of Markov semigroups,inspired by quantum probability and geometric group theory. Finally, we alsoobtain as a byproduct the dimension free bounds of the noncommutativeHardy-Littlewood maximal inequalities associated with convex bodies.