Reaction-diffusion equations with transport noise and critical superlinear diffusion: Global well-posedness of weakly dissipative systems
Antonio Agresti,Mark Veraar
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the global well-posedness of reaction-diffusion systems with transport noise on the $d$-dimensional torus. We show new global well-posedness results for a large class of scalar equations (e.g. the Allen-Cahn equation), and dissipative systems (e.g. equations in coagulation dynamics). Moreover, we prove global well-posedness for two weakly dissipative systems: Lotka-Volterra equations for $d\in\{1, 2, 3, 4\}$ and the Brusselator for $d\in \{1, 2, 3\}$. Many of the results are also new without transport noise. The proofs are based on maximal regularity techniques, positivity results, and sharp blow-up criteria developed in our recent works, combined with energy estimates based on Itô's formula and stochastic Gronwall inequalities. Key novelties include the introduction of new $L^{\zeta}$-coercivity/dissipativity conditions and the development of an $L^p(L^q)$-framework for systems of reaction-diffusion equations, which are needed when treating dimensions $d\in \{2, 3\}$ in the case of cubic or higher order nonlinearities.
Analysis of PDEs,Functional Analysis,Probability