Abstract:We propose and analyze a structure-preserving space-time variational discretization method for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes system. Uniqueness and stability for the discrete problem is established in the presence of concentration dependent mobility and viscosity parameters by means of the relative energy estimates and order optimal convergence rates are established for all variables using balanced approximation spaces and relaxed regularity conditions on the solution. Numerical tests are presented to demonstrate the proposed method is fully practical and yields the predicted convergence rates. The discrete stability estimates developed in this paper may also be used to analyse other discretization schemes, which is briefly outlined in the discussion.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to develop a structure - preserving spatio - temporal variational discretization method for the Cahn - Hilliard - Navier - Stokes (CHNS) system. Specifically, the researchers proposed a new numerical method aimed at handling two - phase fluid systems with concentration - dependent mobility and viscosity parameters. The following are the key points of this problem:
1. **System Description**:
The CHNS system describes the interface dynamics and phase separation process between two immiscible and incompressible fluids. The system is given by the following equations:
&\partial_t \phi + u \cdot \nabla \phi=\text{div}(b(\phi) \nabla \mu), \\
&\mu = -\gamma \Delta \phi + f'(\phi), \\
&\partial_t u+(u \cdot \nabla) u=\text{div}(\eta(\phi) \nabla u)-\nabla p - \phi \nabla \mu, \\
&\text{div}(u) = 0,
where $\phi$ is the phase fraction or relative concentration, $\mu$ is the chemical potential, $u$ is the velocity of the mixed fluid, $p$ is the pressure, and $b(\cdot)$ and $\eta(\cdot)$ are the mobility and viscosity functions respectively.
2. **Energy Dissipation Relation**:
The energy dissipation relation of the system is:
E(\phi(t), u(t))+\int_s^t D_\phi(\mu, u) \, dr = E(\phi(s), u(s)), \quad t > s,
where $E(\phi, u)=\int_\Omega \left( \frac{\gamma}{2}|\nabla \phi|^2 + f(\phi)+\frac{1}{2}|u|^2 \right) dx$ is the free energy, and $D_\phi(\mu, u)=\int_\Omega \left( b(\phi)|\nabla \mu|^2+\eta(\phi)|\nabla u|^2 \right) dx$ is the dissipation rate.
3. **Limitations of Existing Methods**:
Many existing numerical methods, when dealing with the CHNS system, usually assume that the mobility and viscosity are constants. However, in practical applications, these parameters are usually functions of concentration, which increases the complexity of the problem. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a method that can handle nonlinear mobility and viscosity parameters.
4. **Features of the New Method**:
- **Structure Preservation**: The new method precisely preserves the energy dissipation structure of the continuous problem at the discrete level.
- **Stability and Convergence**: The uniqueness and stability of the discrete solution are established through relative energy estimates, and optimal error estimates are obtained under weaker regularity assumptions.
- **High - Order Accuracy**: This method is second - order accurate in both space and time and is applicable to all variables, including pressure.
5. **Main Contributions**:
- A fully discretized variational method that can handle nonlinear mobility and viscosity parameters is proposed.
- The existence, uniqueness, and stability of the discrete solution are established.
- Optimal error estimates are obtained under weaker regularity assumptions.
- The method inherits the energy dissipation structure of the continuous problem, simplifying the error analysis.
In summary, the main objective of this paper is to develop an efficient and stable numerical method for solving the CHNS system with concentration - dependent mobility and viscosity parameters and to prove the theoretical properties of this method.