Characterizing Gibbs states for area-tilted Brownian lines
Mriganka Basu Roy Chowdhury,Pietro Caputo,Shirshendu Ganguly
Abstract:Gibbsian line ensembles are families of Brownian lines arising in many natural contexts such as the level curves of three dimensional Ising interfaces, the solid-on-solid model, multi-layered polynuclear growth etc. An important example is a class of non-intersecting Brownian lines above a hard wall, which are subject to geometrically growing area tilt potentials, which we call the $\lambda$-tilted line ensemble, where $\lambda>1$. The model was introduced by Caputo, Ioffe and Wachtel [CIW] in 2018, as a putative scaling limit of the level lines of entropically repulsed solid-on-solid interfaces. In this article we address the problem of classifying all Gibbs measures for $\lambda$-tilted line ensembles. A stationary infinite volume Gibbs measure was already constructed by [CIW], and the uniqueness of this translation invariant Gibbs measure was recently established by Caputo and Ganguly. Our main result here is a strong characterization for Gibbs measures of $\lambda$-tilted line ensembles in terms of a two parameter family. Namely, we show that the extremal Gibbs measures are completely characterized by the behavior of the top line $X^1$ at positive and negative infinity, which must satisfy the parabolic growth $$X^{1}(t)=t^2+L\,|t|\,\mathbf{1}_{t<0}+R\,|t|\,\mathbf{1}_{t>0}+o(|t|)\,,\quad \text{ as } \;|t| \to \infty,$$ where $L,R$ are real parameters, including $-\infty,$ with $L+R<0$. The case $L=R=-\infty$ corresponds to the unique translation invariant Gibbs measure. The result bears some analogy to the Airy wanderers, an integrable model introduced and studied in the context of the Airy line ensemble. A crucial step in our proof, of independent significance, is a complete characterization of the extremal Gibbs states associated to a single area-tilted Brownian excursion, which can be interpreted as non-translation invariant versions of the Ferrari-Spohn diffusion.
Probability,Mathematical Physics