Sequential Localization of a Complex Electron Fluid
Valentina Martelli,Ang Cai,Emilian M Nica,Mathieu Taupin,Andrey Prokofiev,Chia-Chuan Liu,Hsin-Hua Lai,Rong Yu,Kevin Ingersent,Robert Küchler,André M Strydom,Diana Geiger,Jonathan Haenel,Julio Larrea,Qimiao Si,Silke Paschen
Abstract:Complex and correlated quantum systems with promise for new functionality often involve entwined electronic degrees of freedom. In such materials, highly unusual properties emerge and could be the result of electron localization. Here, a cubic heavy fermion metal governed by spins and orbitals is chosen as a model system for this physics. Its properties are found to originate from surprisingly simple low-energy behavior, with 2 distinct localization transitions driven by a single degree of freedom at a time. This result is unexpected, but we are able to understand it by advancing the notion of sequential destruction of an SU(4) spin-orbital-coupled Kondo entanglement. Our results implicate electron localization as a unified framework for strongly correlated materials and suggest ways to exploit multiple degrees of freedom for quantum engineering.