Demo: Curricular Reinforcement Learning for Robust Policy in Unmanned CarRacing Game
Yunzhe Tian,Yike Li,Yingxiao Xiang,Wenjia Niu,Endong Tong,Jiqiang Liu
Abstract:[1] Florensa, C., Held, D., Geng, X., and Abbeel, P. Automaticgoal generation for reinforcement learning agents. ICML, 2018. [2] Duan Y, Chen X, Houthooft R, et al. Benchmarking Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)., 2016. [3] G. Brockman, V. Cheung, L. Pettersson, J. Schneider, J. Schulman, J. Tang, and W. Zaremba. Openai gym, 2016. [4] X. B. Peng, M. Andrychowicz, W. Zaremba and P. Abbeel. Sim-to-Real Transfer of Robotic Control with Dynamics Randomization. ICRA, 2018. Abstract—Robust reinforcement learning has been a challenging problem due to always unknown differences between real and training environment. Existing efforts approached the problem through performing random environmental perturbations in learning process. However, one can not guarantee perturbation is positive. Bad ones might bring failures to reinforcement learning. Therefore, in this paper, we propose to utilize GAN to dynamically generate progressive perturbations at each epoch and realize curricular policy learning. Demo we implemented in unmanned CarRacing game validates the effectiveness.