Search for TeV Gamma Ray Emission from Fast Radio Burst Locations with the HAWC Obsevatory
Elijah Job Willox,A. Albert,R. Alfaro,C. Álvarez,Axel Andrès,Juan Carlos Arteaga Velázquez,Daniel Omar Avila Rojas,Hugo Alberto Ayala Solares,Rishi Babu,E. Belmont-Moreno,Tomás Capistrán Rojas,Sohyoun Yun,A. Carramiñana,Fernanda Carreon-Gonzalez,U. Cotti,J. Cotzomi,S. Coutiño de León,Eduardo de la Fuente,Davide Depaoli,Cederik León de León,R. Díaz Hernández,J. C. Díaz-Vélez,B. L. Dingus,Mora Durocher,Michael DuVernois,Kristi Engel,María Catalina Espinoza Hernández,Jason Fan,Ke Fang,N. Fraija,J. A. García-González,F. Garfias,Hazal Goksu,M. M. González,J. A. Goodman,Sam J Groetsch,J. Patrick Harding,Sergio Hernández Cadena,Ian Herzog,J. A. Hinton,B. Hona,Dezhi Huang,Filiberto Hueyotl-Zahuantitla,P. Hüntemeyer,A. Iriarte,Vikas Joshi,S. Kaufmann,D. Kieda,A. Lara,Jason LEE,William H. Lee,H. León Vargas,J. T. Linnemann,A. L. Longinotti,G. Luis-Raya,K. Malone,J. Martínez-Castro,John Matthews,P. Miranda-Romagnoli,Jorge Alexis Montes,Jorge Antonio Morales Soto,M. Mostafá,Lukas Nellen,Mehr Nisa,R. Noriega-Papaqui,Laura Olivera-Nieto,N. Omodei,Yunior Pérez Araujo,Pérez,Alvaro Pratts,Chang Dong Rho,D. Rosa‐González,E. Ruiz-Velasco,H. Salazar,Daniel Salazar-Gallegos,A. Sandoval,Michael Schneider,Georg Schwefer,José Serna-Franco,A. J. Smith,Youngwan Son,R. W. Springer,O. Tibolla,K. Tollefson,I. Torres,Ramiro Torres Escobedo,Rhiannon M. Turner,F. Ureña-Mena,Enrique Varela,L. Villaseñor,Xiaojie Wang,Ian Watson,Félix Werner,Kara M. Whitaker,Haotian Wu,Hao Zhou,Karen S. Caballero Mora
Abstract:The number of observed Fast Radio Burst (FRB) events has grown rapidly over the last few years, but their origin remains unknown. Multiwavelength follow-ups have been encouraged by radio astronomers but the transient nature of the events makes targeted follow-ups difficult unless a source is known to repeat. A wide field-of-view instrument, such as HAWC can overcome this limitation using archival data. In this study we search for very high energy (VHE) gamma rays from FRB source locations over the largest population studied at this energy. Using data from the HAWC Observatory we look at over 200 FRB events from 141 unique locations and search for persistent emission and transient activity in 600 s surrounding the burst time. The results are then placed in context of available models and maximum gamma-ray emission levels from FRBs.