Accelerating high order discontinuous Galerkin solvers using neural networks: 3D compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Fernando Manrique de Lara,Esteban Ferrer
Abstract:We propose to accelerate a high order discontinuous Galerkin solver using neural networks. We include a corrective forcing to a low polynomial order simulation to enhance its accuracy. The forcing is obtained by training a deep fully connected neural network, using a high polynomial order simulation but only for a short time frame. With this corrective forcing, we can run the low polynomial order simulation faster (with large time steps and low cost per time step) while improving its accuracy.
We explored this idea for a 1D Burgers' equation in (Marique and Ferrer, CAF 2022), and we have extended this work to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations, with and without a Large Eddy Simulation closure model. We test the methodology with the turbulent Taylor Green Vortex case and for various Reynolds numbers (30, 200 and 1600). In addition, the Taylor Green Vortex evolves with time and covers laminar, transitional, and turbulent regimes, as time progresses.
The proposed methodology proves to be applicable to a variety of flows and regimes. The results show that the corrective forcing is effective in all Reynolds numbers and time frames (excluding the initial flow development). We can train the corrective forcing with a polynomial order of 8, to increase the accuracy of simulations from a polynomial order 3 to 6, when correcting outside the training time frame. The low order correct solution is 4 to 5 times faster than a simulation with comparable accuracy (polynomial order 6).
Additionally, we explore changes in the hyperparameters and use transfer learning to speed up the training. We observe that it is not useful to train a corrective forcing using a different flow condition. However, an already trained corrective forcing can be used to initialise a new training (at the correct flow conditions) to obtain an effective forcing with only a few training iterations.
Fluid Dynamics,Computational Physics