Extremal $\{p, q\}$-Animals
Greg Malen,Érika Roldán,Rosemberg Toalá-Enríquez
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2109.05331
Abstract:An animal is a planar shape formed by attaching congruent regular polygons, known as tiles, along their edges. In this paper, we study extremal animals defined on regular tessellations of the plane. In 1976, Harary and Harborth studied animals in the Euclidean cases, finding extremal values for their vertices, edges, and tiles, when any one of these parameters is fixed. Here, we generalize their results to hyperbolic animals. For each hyperbolic tessellation, we exhibit a sequence of spiral animals and prove that they attain the minimal numbers of edges and vertices within the class of animals with $n$ tiles. In their conclusions, Harary and Harborth also proposed the question of enumerating extremal animals with a fixed number of tiles. This question has previously only been considered for Euclidean animals. As a first step in solving this problem, we find special sequences of extremal animals that are unique extremal animals, in the sense that any animal with the same number of tiles which is distinct up to isometries can't be extremal.