Sound from extra dimension: quasinormal modes of thick brane

Qin Tan,Wen-Di Guo,Yu-Xiao Liu
Abstract:In this work, we investigate the quasinormal modes of a thick brane system. Considering the transverse-traceless tensor perturbation of the brane metric, we obtain the Schrödinger-like equation of the Kaluza-Klein modes of the tensor perturbation. Then we use the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation and the asymptotic iteration method to solve this Schrödinger-like equation. We also study the numeric evolution of an initial wave packet against the thick brane. The results show that there is a set of discrete quasinormal modes in the thick brane model. These quasinormal modes appear as the decaying massive gravitons for a brane observer. They are characteristic modes of the thick brane and can reflect the structure of the thick brane.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore the quasinormal modes (QNMs) in the thick brane system. Specifically, the authors considered the transverse - trace tensor perturbations of the thick - brane metric and obtained the Schrödinger - like equation for the Kaluza - Klein modes of tensor perturbations. By using the WKB approximation and the asymptotic iteration method, they solved this Schrödinger - like equation and studied the numerical evolution of an initial wave packet on the thick brane. The research results show that there is a set of discrete quasinormal modes in the thick - brane model. These quasinormal modes appear as decaying massive gravitons, and for thin - brane observers, they are the characteristic modes of the thick brane and can reflect the structure of the thick brane. ### Key points: 1. **Problem background**: - Quasinormal modes (QNMs) exist in various dissipative systems, including black - hole physics, leaky resonant cavities, etc. Studying these modes helps to reveal the characteristics of physical systems. - The thick - brane model was originally proposed to solve the hierarchy problem between the weak interaction and the Planck scale. The warped extra - dimension model (RS model) proposed by Randall and Sundrum has attracted wide attention. - The thick - brane model is generated by scalar fields, vector fields or spinor fields, and these models can provide new possibilities for detecting extra dimensions. 2. **Research objectives**: - Explore the quasinormal modes in the thick - brane system. - Calculate the quasinormal mode frequencies of the thick - brane using semi - analytical and numerical methods. - Study the evolution behavior of the initial wave packet on the thick - brane and verify the existence and properties of quasinormal modes. 3. **Methods**: - **Theoretical model**: Based on the thick - brane solution and the linear metric tensor perturbation, derive the Schrödinger - like equation for tensor perturbations. - **Semi - analytical method**: Use the WKB approximation and the asymptotic iteration method to solve the Schrödinger - like equation. - **Numerical simulation**: Study the evolution behavior of the initial Gaussian pulse and odd - wave packet on the thick - brane. 4. **Main results**: - There is a zero mode (normal mode) and a series of discrete quasinormal modes in the thick - brane model. - These quasinormal modes appear as decaying massive gravitons and reflect the structure of the thick - brane. - The numerical simulation results are consistent with the results of the semi - analytical method, further verifying the existence and properties of quasinormal modes. 5. **Significance**: - These quasinormal modes, as the characteristic modes of the thick - brane, provide a new way to understand the structure of the thick - brane. - The research results may provide new ideas for the study of the early universe, especially for the detection of the stochastic gravitational - wave background. ### Formula display: - Schrödinger - like equation: \[ -\partial_z^2\phi(z)+U(z)\phi(z)=m^2\phi(z) \] where \(U(z)=\frac{3}{2}\partial_z^2A + \frac{9}{4}(\partial_zA)^2\) is the effective potential. - "Quantization condition" of the asymptotic iteration method: \[ d_0^nc_0^{n - 1}-d_0^{n - 1}c_0^n = 0 \] - Effective potential of the thick - brane: \[ U(z)=\frac{3k^2(5k^2z^2 - 2)}{4(k^2z^2 + 1)^2} \] - Zero mode: \[ \phi_0(z)=\frac{1}{(1 + k^2z^2)^{3/4}} \] Through these methods and results, the authors successfully demonstrated the quasinormal modes in the thick - brane model and provided a basis for further research.