Flat symplectic Lie algebras

Mohamed Boucetta,Hamza El Ouali,Hicham Lebzioui
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2204.13677
Abstract:Let $(G,\Omega)$ be a symplectic Lie group, i.e, a Lie group endowed with a left invariant symplectic form. If $\G$ is the Lie algebra of $G$ then we call $(\G,\omega=\Om(e))$ a symplectic Lie algebra. The product $\bullet$ on $\G$ defined by $3\omega\left(x\bullet y,z\right)=\omega\left([x,y],z\right)+\omega\left([x,z],y\right)$ extends to a left invariant connection $\na$ on $G$ which is torsion free and symplectic ($\na\Om=0)$. When $\na$ has vanishing curvature, we call $(G,\Omega)$ a flat symplectic Lie group and $(\G,\om)$ a flat symplectic Lie algebra. In this paper, we study flat symplectic Lie groups. We start by showing that the derived ideal of a flat symplectic Lie algebra is degenerate with respect to $\om$. We show that a flat symplectic Lie group must be nilpotent with degenerate center. This implies that the connection $\na$ of a flat symplectic Lie group is always complete. We prove that the double extension process can be applied to characterize all flat symplectic Lie algebras. More precisely, we show that every flat symplectic Lie algebra is obtained by a sequence of double extension of flat symplectic Lie algebras starting from $\{0\}$. As examples in low dimensions, we classify all flat symplectic Lie algebras of dimension $\leq6$.
Differential Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem this paper attempts to address is the study of the properties and classification of flat symplectic Lie algebras. Specifically, the authors focus on: 1. **Basic properties of flat symplectic Lie algebras**: The authors first demonstrate some basic properties of flat symplectic Lie algebras, such as their derived ideals being degenerate under the symplectic form, and that flat symplectic Lie groups must be nilpotent with a degenerate center. 2. **Application of the double extension method**: The authors prove that all flat symplectic Lie algebras can be obtained through a series of double extension processes starting from zero. This provides a systematic method for understanding and constructing these algebras. 3. **Classification of low-dimensional flat symplectic Lie algebras**: As an application, the authors classify flat symplectic Lie algebras of dimension less than or equal to 6, particularly proving that in the 4-dimensional case, there is only one non-Abelian flat symplectic Lie algebra. Through the study of these issues, the authors hope to better understand the structure and properties of flat symplectic Lie algebras, thereby providing a theoretical foundation for further research in related fields.