Constraint-Generation Policy Optimization (CGPO): Nonlinear Programming for Policy Optimization in Mixed Discrete-Continuous MDPs
Michael Gimelfarb,Ayal Taitler,Scott Sanner
Abstract:We propose Constraint-Generation Policy Optimization (CGPO) for optimizing policy parameters within compact and interpretable policy classes for mixed discrete-continuous Markov Decision Processes (DC-MDPs). CGPO is not only able to provide bounded policy error guarantees over an infinite range of initial states for many DC-MDPs with expressive nonlinear dynamics, but it can also provably derive optimal policies in cases where it terminates with zero error. Furthermore, CGPO can generate worst-case state trajectories to diagnose policy deficiencies and provide counterfactual explanations of optimal actions. To achieve such results, CGPO proposes a bi-level mixed-integer nonlinear optimization framework for optimizing policies within defined expressivity classes (i.e. piecewise (non)-linear) and reduces it to an optimal constraint generation methodology that adversarially generates worst-case state trajectories. Furthermore, leveraging modern nonlinear optimizers, CGPO can obtain solutions with bounded optimality gap guarantees. We handle stochastic transitions through explicit marginalization (where applicable) or chance-constraints, providing high-probability policy performance guarantees. We also present a road-map for understanding the computational complexities associated with different expressivity classes of policy, reward, and transition dynamics. We experimentally demonstrate the applicability of CGPO in diverse domains, including inventory control, management of a system of water reservoirs, and physics control. In summary, we provide a solution for deriving structured, compact, and explainable policies with bounded performance guarantees, enabling worst-case scenario generation and counterfactual policy diagnostics.
Optimization and Control,Machine Learning,Robotics,Symbolic Computation,Systems and Control