Non-diagonal contributions to $ZγV^\ast$ vertex, polarizations and bounds on $Z\overline{t}q$ couplings

A.I. Hernández-Juárez,G. Tavares-Velasco,R. Gaitán
Abstract:The non-diagonal contributions to the trilinear gauge bosons couplings $Z\gamma V^\ast$ ($V=Z$, $\gamma$) at the one-loop level are calculated using complex flavor-changing neutral currents mediated by the $Z$ boson. We find that it is not possible to generate non-diagonal contributions to the vertex $Z\gamma\gamma^\ast$ using these couplings, whereas for the vertex $Z\gamma Z^\ast$ only the $CP$-conserving form factor $h_3^Z$ is induced. Constraints on the $Z\overline{t}c$ couplings are obtained from current LHC data. Our bounds are $|g_{\text{V}}^{tu}|\text{,}|g_{\text{A}}^{tu}|\leqslant 0.007$ and $|g_{\text{V}}^{tc}|\text{,}|g_{\text{A}}^{tc}|\leqslant 0.0095$ in terms of the vector and axial couplings, while in terms of the coefficients of the effective field theory framework these bounds are $|C^{(1+3)}_{\phi \mu}|\text{,}|C^{-(1+3)}_{\phi q}|\leqslant 0.12$ and $|C^{(2+3)}_{\phi \mu}|\text{,}|C^{-(2+3)}_{\phi q}|\leqslant 0.16$. The new contributions to $h_3^Z$ are of order $10^{-6}-10^{-7}$. We also study the polarized partial widths of the $V^\ast\rightarrow Z\gamma$ process, as they are useful for expressing LHC cross-sections. Furthermore, two types of left-right asymmetries are also discussed. The polarized $\Gamma(V^\ast\rightarrow Z\gamma)$ show significant deviations from SM, whereas the asymmetries are only non-vanishing in theories beyond the SM. Thus, the polarized observables are highly sensitive to new physics effects, specially those related to $CP$-violation.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
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