A survey and exposition of sub-Hausdorff separation axioms
Jeffrey T. Denniston Austin Melton Stephen E. Rodabaugh Jamal K. Tartir 1 Department of Mathematical Sciences,Kent State University,Kent,Ohio,USA 44242. E-Mail 2 Departments of Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences,Kent State University,Kent,Ohio,USA 44242. E-Mail amelton@kent.edu3 Institute for Applied Topology and Topological Structures,Youngstown State University,Youngstown,OH,USA 44555–3609.4 Institute for Applied Topology and Topological Structures,Youngstown State University,Youngstown,OH,USA 44555–1812. E-Mail jktartir@ysu.edu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2024.2393648
Quaestiones Mathematicae
Abstract:This paper surveys and develops sub-Hausdorff axioms. It augments known relationships involving T 0 (Kolmogorov), S 0 (quasi-sobriety), S 1 (sobriety), T 1 (Frchet), and T 2 (Hausdorff ) by examining a large suite of sub-Hausdorff axioms. Emphasis is given to hereditary S 0 , hereditary S 1 , deleted S 0 , deleted S 1 , (locally) strong S 0 , (locally) strong S 1 , T sc , and pre- T 2 . Properties of the Kolmogorov functor are applied to preservation, reflection, and characterization of certain sub-Hausdorff axioms. Classes of examples are constructed to illustrate main ideas, show non-reversibility of key implications, and correct published errors. Many theorems are given both point-set based and spectrum based proofs for additional insights. Links to domain theory and the topology of digital displays are noted. Key relationships are summarized in two tables.