Potential Game Based Decision-Making Frameworks for Autonomous Driving
Mushuang Liu,Ilya Kolmanovsky,H. Eric Tseng,Suzhou Huang,Dimitar Filev,Anouck Girard
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2201.06157
Systems and Control
Abstract:Decision-making for autonomous driving is challenging, considering the complex interactions among multiple traffic agents (e.g., autonomous vehicles (AVs), human drivers, and pedestrians) and the computational load needed to evaluate these interactions. This paper develops two general potential game based frameworks, namely, finite and continuous potential games, for decision-making in autonomous driving. The two frameworks account for the AVs' two types of action spaces, i.e., finite and continuous action spaces, respectively. We show that the developed frameworks provide theoretical guarantees, including 1) existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibria, 2) convergence of the Nash equilibrium (NE) seeking algorithms, and 3) global optimality of the derived NE (in the sense that both self- and team- interests are optimized). In addition, we provide cost function shaping approaches to constructing multi-agent potential games in autonomous driving. Moreover, two solution algorithms, including self-play dynamics (e.g., best response dynamics) and potential function optimization, are developed for each game. The developed frameworks are then applied to two different traffic scenarios, including intersection-crossing and lane-changing in highways. Statistical comparative studies, including 1) finite potential game vs. continuous potential game, and 2) best response dynamics vs. potential function optimization, are conducted to compare the performances of different solution algorithms. It is shown that both developed frameworks are practical (i.e., computationally efficient), reliable (i.e., resulting in satisfying driving performances in diverse scenarios and situations), and robust (i.e., resulting in satisfying driving performances against uncertain behaviors of the surrounding vehicles) for real-time decision-making in autonomous driving.