Randomized trial of recombinant human interleukin-3 versus placebo in prevention of bone marrow depression during first-line chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma.
L. Hofstra,G B Kristensen,P. Willemse,A. Vindevoghel,H. Meden,M. Lahousen,F. Oberling,B. Sorbe,M. Crump,I. Sklenar,W J Sluiter,B. Kiese,C G Trope,E G de Vries
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.1998.16.10.3335
IF: 45.3
Journal of Clinical Oncology
To determine whether recombinant human interleukin-3 (rhIL-3) reduces bone marrow depression and improves chemotherapeutic schedule adherence in ovarian cancer patients receiving first-line combination chemotherapy.
In a randomized multicenter study, 185 patients received carboplatin (dose based on projected area under the concentration-time curve [AUC]=4) and cyclophosphamide (750 mg/m2) day 1, every 3 weeks for six cycles. Patients were randomized to receive rhIL-3 (5 microg/kg) or placebo once daily subcutaneously on days 3 to 12.
Adherence to chemotherapeutic regimen, mean chemotherapy cycle length, tumor response rate, and median survival at 24 months did not differ between groups. The number of side effects-primarily allergic reactions, flu-like symptoms and fever-were higher in the rhIL-3 group, which resulted in 21 discontinuations compared with one in the placebo group. Compared with placebo, the rhIL-3 group had higher platelet counts day 1 of cycles 2 to 6. The number of patients with World Health Organization (WHO) grade IV thrombocytopenia or number of platelet transfusions did not differ. Leukocyte counts differed only in cycles 1 and 2 between groups. The leukocyte nadir occurred earlier in the rhIL-3 (day 12) than in the placebo group (day 15, P=.006). Leukocytes and neutrophils were only higher in the rhIL-3 group day 1 of cycle 2. In cycles 4 and 5, more patients with WHO grade IV neutropenia received rhIL-3 (P < .005). Eosinophil counts were higher day 1 of cycles 2 to 6 in the rhIL-3 group (P < .0001).
rhIL-3 had stimulatory hematopoietic effects. This did not result either in reduction of platelet transfusions or in improvement of chemotherapeutic schedule adherence. There were more side effects in the rhIL-3 group than in the placebo group. rhIL-3 at 5 microg/kg/d is, therefore, not of clinical benefit in this chemotherapeutic regimen.