Abstract:We propose a $k^{\rm th}$-order unfitted finite element method ($2\le k\le 4$) to solve the moving interface problem of the Oseen equations. Thorough error estimates for the discrete solutions are presented by considering errors from interface-tracking, time integration, and spatial discretization. In literatures on time-dependent Stokes interface problems, error estimates for the discrete pressure are usually sub-optimal, namely, $(k-1)^{\rm th}$-order, under the $L^2$-norm. We have obtained a $(k-1)^{\rm th}$-order error estimate for the discrete pressure under the $H^1$-norm. Numerical experiments for a severely deforming interface show that optimal convergence orders are obtained for $k = 3$ and $4$.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to propose a high - order unfitted finite element method for the Oseen equation with a mobile interface and conduct a comprehensive error analysis on it. Specifically, the main objectives of the paper include:
1. **Propose a numerical method**: For the two - dimensional time - varying Oseen equation, a $k$-order ($2\leq k\leq4$) unfitted finite element method is proposed. This method combines the $k$-order time integration, the method of characteristics, and the $k + 1$-order interface tracking algorithm.
2. **Error analysis**: A comprehensive error estimate of the discrete solution is carried out, taking into account the errors from interface tracking, time integration, and spatial discretization. In particular, by introducing an appropriate penalty term, a $k - 1$-order error estimate of the discrete pressure in the weighted $H^1$ norm is obtained, while in the existing literature, usually only a $k - 1$-order error estimate in the $L^2$ norm can be obtained.
3. **Verify convergence**: Through numerical experiments, it is verified that for severely deformed interface problems, both the third - order and fourth - order methods can obtain the optimal convergence order.
### Summary of Mathematical Formulas
- **Oseen equation**:
\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial t}+(w\cdot\nabla)u_i-\nu_i\Delta u_i+\nabla p_i = f_i,\quad \text{div}u_i = 0\quad \text{in}\quad \Omega_i(t),
where $u_i$ is the flow velocity, $p_i$ is the pressure, $f_i$ is the external force, and $\nu_i$ is the viscosity coefficient.
- **Interface conditions**:
\nu_1\frac{\partial u_1}{\partial n}-p_1n=\nu_2\frac{\partial u_2}{\partial n}-p_2n,\quad u_1 = u_2\quad \text{on}\quad \Gamma(t).
- **Discretized equation**:
\frac{1}{\tau}\Lambda_kU_n^i-\nu_i\Delta u_n^i+\nabla p_n^i = f_n^i,\quad \text{div}u_n^i = 0\quad \text{in}\quad \Omega_n^\eta,
where $\Lambda_k$ is the $k$-order backward difference formula (BDF - $k$), and $U_n^i$ is the discrete solution.
- **Error estimate**:
\|\chi_n-\tilde{\chi}_n\|_{C^\mu([0,L])}\lesssim\eta^{4-\mu},\quad \|\chi_n-\hat{\chi}_n\|_{C^\mu([0,L])}\lesssim\eta^{4-\mu}+\tau^{k + 1-\mu},\quad \mu = 0,1.
Through these methods and analyses, the paper aims to provide an efficient and accurate numerical method for solving the Oseen equation with a mobile interface and verify its effectiveness in practical applications.